Chapter 84

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17th December

"What a f-" I muttered but controlled myself as the nurse was running Gwen's routine check ups.

I was watching Howard Miler's interview on TV and Gwen seemed to be glancing at the screen momentarily, passing comments on his awful lies and fake statements.

"Mr. Miler, why did you hide the fact that your son was murdered?"

"Were you alright with everyone thinking your son committed suicide?"

The reporters asked him.

"I wanted my son to rest in peace. I would still like to deny that my eldest son was murdered and that my younger son is the murderer on that." He answered.

"A brief investigation shows that there's proof of murder." The reported said.

"That's not enough proof and it's misleading, in my opinion." He stated.

"How would you explain why you meddled with the reports and didn't clean up the room?" Another one asked.

"I'm exhausted. That's all. Thank you." He ended the Q|A with that.

"It's all done." The nurse informed me," I'll let you know about her discharge from hospital once the reports come. She's weak so make sure she eats well."

"Thank you." I thanked her as she left the food tray behind along with medicines. I turned the TV off and sat at the end of the bed. Gwen was staring in the air blankly. She still couldn't believe that Ethan had left and was more in shock after finding out that everything was out in public.

"You heard her. Don't fuss around and eat up, alright?" I asked her nicely.

"I don't have an appetite." She answered in a bland tone.

"This is one of the best hospitals when it comes to meals." I said and pulled up the adjustable table. I placed the plate on top of it and levelled up her stretcher so that she wouldn't have to struggle sitting up.

"Elijah please..." She sulked.

"No, I'm the one begging. Please." I insisted. She hadn't eaten a proper meal since three days and at that rate she wouldn't be able to get discharged from the hospital soon.

"Just leave me alone!" She cried, burying her face within her hands. She was having another break down, for the 12th time, if I had counted right.

" are you going to live without eating?" I asked, keeping my voice soft.

"I don't want to live-" She said.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I asked.

"I want to- I want to see him..." She couldn't even speak properly between sobs. Her voice was muffled but I understood every word that she said.

"Calm down. I know how you feel. But you have to get over it." I said a little seriously.

"It's all over. There's nothing left for me to do. I should just leave this place for good." She said, looking up at me. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying.

For a moment, I wanted to hug her to sleep, but it wasn't the right way to deal with it. It would only have made her more vulnerable and soft. I had to let her know what was 'left for her to do.'

"Enough of that sobbing." I said sternly and the look on her face changed. I could see her turn pale with shock. I clenched my jaw and continued," You've been doing nothing but sleeping and crying for literally over 2 weeks!" I yelled," And not only are you wasting your own time and mine for having to look after you, you don't realize who else is waiting for you."

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