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"Chief Chu......Cheif Chu....!!!! Men with arms holding our village!!!" Shout one of Chu's men.

That made Chu wake up as well Guo who still hold him tightly. Yunlan and the others also woke up from the rukus. "What's going on?!" Zhu Hong got scared while Li Quian hold her. Fen Ming took out his gun as well Chu. Da quing still sleepy walk out from his room wandering what is happening?

Yunlan became nervous as he thought it's the general that caught them. He hold Shen Wei in his arms tightly. Shen Wei sensing something wrong and growl who ever make a move unto them. "We need to flee! It might be the army?!"

But when they're about to go at the back. Wang's men came and capture them. " at what the cat got us?!" One of the men said. Sang frown seeing them again. While Wang immediately run to Shen Wei's arms. Shen Wei about to bite her. When she evade him.

"Wang! Don't come near him! His infected!" Sang pulled her away from him and about to shoot Shen Wei. Yunlan block him, "No........
He won't harm anyone!!!" Both Shen Wei and Guo growl at the intruders.

In a minute they are all tied up, "My baby! What happened to you?!" Wang caressing Shen Wei's face. Shen Wei growl angrily at her. "I told you to get away from us! Still you didn't hid my words!" Sang whispered to Yunlan. "We didn't know you'll be coming in this village?!" Yunlan who was cuffed tried to convince him to help them again.

"Wang wanted to conquer all the village and town here! She's gonna build an army against the government!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes. While Dr. Lin Jing being shake by Wang, "Cure my darling quickly or die with them!" Dr. Lin Jing said, "Yes! I will find a cure!" As the men of Wang took him and Nurse Li Quian to the infirmary.

Shen Wei on the other hand taken to Wang's room again. As they left, "Sang help us?!" Yunlan plead. "Huh?! As if I will do it again?!" And about to leave when Yunlan suddenly uncuffed himself and grabbed his wrist and bite him. He scream and shot Yunlan on the head. Everyone was shocked. The women scream when Yunlan fell unconcious.

Inside Wang's room Shen Wei felt his mate been harm and easily take off the cuff and bite anyone who got in his way. Wang got frighten and shot him as she thought he killed him. But he easily got up and jump at her to be bitten.

Guo whose feeling his comrades being gang up suddenly trashed out and untangle on the rope his in and jump at the one guarding him and bite him hard. Chu widen his eyes, "Baby! Stop!!! Untie me first quickly!" Guo dropped the unconcious guard and started to teared the rope at his husband.

Sang widen his eyes seeing Yunlan got up again and the bullet in his head is been ejected and as his head heal again. "Now would you help me? Or not?! You don't want to be one of them would you?!"

In a minute, when all of them open the room of Wang. Blood splattered everywhere and men lying on the floor, "Xiao Wei....Xiao Wei?!!! Where are you?!!!" When Shen Wei saw Yunlan he quickly jump at his embrace. Yunlan wipe his bloody mouth with his hand while Sang cried seeing the fallen Wang lying on the floor as well.

"Sang!" Yunlan was about to reach for him. "Leave! You have done enough!!!" Yunlan carried Shen Wei with the others and left hoping to find Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian whose also heavly guarded by Wang's men. Shen Wei and Guo quickly get ridden them.
While rescuing Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian.

In an hours the village was taken back by Chu and his people. While Sang and his few men was lock in a cellar. While Wang and the others been buried, taken off their head. Just to be sure they won't rise again. Dr. Lin Jing injected a sample of his new invented vaccine on Sang because he was bitten.

"We will know tomorrow if the vaccine work!" Said Dr. Lin Jing to them. As everyone gone back to their room to rest. Well not our couple whose in the bathtub scrubing each other's back.

As they saw the moon and stars shine in the sky. "Xiao Wei! I want to marry you and live in a cute house! Just the two of us! Maybe Chu can give us a small land here to build our family!" As Yunlan look at Shen Wei with sparkling in his eyes. "Marry? That's quite nice!" As he blushed while lean to Yunlan's broad shoulder.

This is now his home with Yunlan forever. As he close his eyes and smile. But their happy moments break when suddenly Shen Wei heard Dr. Din Dong's voice inside his head. His communicating telepathically. "Patient 108.....108 .... Shen Wei wait for me I'm coming for you!" He laugh evily.

Shen Wei suddenly jerk up breaking his hold in Yunlan's arms. "Xiao Wei?!!! What's wrong?!!!" Yunlan also stand up and rubbed Shen Wei's back as he embrace him again. "Ah Lan! That man! Is coming for me!"

Yunlan look puzzled at him, "Who?!!!" Shen Wei just lean to Yunlan, feeling safe in his embrace. Yunlan caress his soft, jet black straight hair. "Tell me Xiao Wei who?! And don't worry I'll protect you!"

As Shen Wei close his eyes, he can see what Dr. Din Dong can see. General Ou Yang build his own infected soldiers whose under Dr. Din Dong's command. "Those pitiful soldiers! They're injected them with the enhance modified blood of
Dr. Din Dong! They're not trying to find a cure but a weapon against other country!" He told himself.

He tried to get into the mind of the infected soldiers but Dr. Din Dong block him. "Ah.....ah?!!! THEY'RE MY ARMY NOT YOURS BEAUTY!!!" As he tried to kiss him.

Shen Wei jump in wake before that happened. "Ah Lan! We need to tell this to the others. The army is building their own infected soldiers and I can't control them!" That made Yunlan widen his eyes.

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