Chapter One: Sharing Coffee.

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Chapter One: Sharing Coffee.

The best kind of music for school mornings played through my earpieces and I hummed along as I arranged the items on my reading table

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The best kind of music for school mornings played through my earpieces and I hummed along as I arranged the items on my reading table. Once I was done, I checked the room one more time to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything.

Everything was perfect so I faced the full length mirror on my wall to check my outfit one more time, also perfect. I was rocking a soft, schoolgirl look today; plaid cardigan, short pleated skirt and long socks.
Hale loved the look, that's why he recommended it anyways.

Hale was my boyfriend, he was friends with the popular people at school which automatically made him one of them. His parents were these super rich and fancy people who lived in the upper class side of town and they were... nice to me.

I was so lucky to have Hale as my boyfriend, he was always looking out for me and being so nice. There were a lot of girls who'd be dying to be in my shoes but he chose me instead.

The thought made me smile as I hurried down the stairs past my cat, Moo.

She meowed in protest when I didn't pet her so I had to turn around.
"Gosh you're so demanding." I sighed playfully and reached out to pet her fur only to nearly get my hand sliced through with her claws.

"Well make up your mind!" I said, holding my hand to myself, then I looked down at my sweater and realized why she did that.

"Is this your problem?" I asked as I removed the Country Club pin from the sweater. I forgot it there sometimes and Moo hated it with all her nine lives.

Once I took it off, I was free to pet her to my heart's content.
Not really though, because the sound of my ringtone stopped the music I was playing.

It was Hale and my heart skipped when I realized I was running late already.
"Hi Hale!" I said and hurried to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee.

"Babe, Violet, tell me you're halfway here" Hale said from the other end. He was with his friends at school already by the sound of it.

"Sorry, I'm still preparing your coffee,"

"Well, hurry up! I want to drink it before class begins." He snapped and I rolled my eyes. "Also, there's someone I want you to meet"

I frowned but didn't bother to ask "Well okay, I'll see you in a few"

"Okay, love you"

I smiled as I packed my things up and rushed out of the house and into the front yard where Dad was watering the plants and talking to the neighbor over the low fence.

"Running late?" He asked.

"Yeah, feed Moo please!" I replied, nearly sprinting past him.

I dumped all my stuff in the passenger seat of my car and put the coffee in the cup holder before going around the car to the driver side.

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