Chapter Eleven: Murder and Some Dinner Too

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Chapter Eleven: Murder and Some Dinner Too

Angelo's POV.

"Are you okay with what my little sister is doing?" Hunter McNamara asked.

I thought they were supposed to be twins.

"Indifferent," was my simple reply as I changed the books in my locker for the next class, I wasn't in the mood to elaborate.

"Well then check this out!" Hunter McNamara exclaimed, shoving his phone up to my face (did he really have to?) and making me move back so I could see the video Susan made of Violet and I.
"One thousand likes and counting!"

That was... astounding. "Oh" I said.

In the short video, Violet was standing there watching the other people dance, her arms wrapped around herself. I walked up to her from behind, both of us in black and silver, said something that made her turn around, held out my hand and she put her hand in mine.

The caption was a black heart emoji.

The number of likes at the side of the video was increasing by each second.
I took the phone from Hunter and leaned on my shut locker watching it as it played on a loop.

God, she really looked amazing, I'd replayed all the memories of her on Saturday night over and over in my mind.
The black dress, her hair, the way she laughed at me when I for once tried to say many things with food in my mouth.

This video hid the details though, no one would ever hear how disoriented she sounded when she spoke to me or how bad her hand was shaking. I just wished she would tell me what was going on.

I had to blink several times to clear my head, I wasn't here to help Violet, I didn't need to know what was up with her, it wasn't my business.

But you've already made it your business, it's been your business for a long, long time, my subconscious reminded me. You want to treat her better, don't you?

Yeah, I'd asked her the dumb question and she'd laughed before hugging me so quickly I couldn't remember how it felt.

"Whatever." I said with a shrug and handed Hunter McNamara his phone back. "Your sister is good with the camera by the way."

He gave me a what-the-hell look, "Dude, whatever?" He asked, "'s giving everyone the wrong idea."

That was the goal.

"Their problem." I muttered and turned just in time to see Violet wandering down the hallway with her head down, curly hair up in a ponytail.

"Hi Violet!" Hunter called and her head snapped to our direction, startled but with an automatic smile on her lips that looked practiced and didn't reach her eyes.

"Hi guys," she said, addressing us both but not once looking at me. Then she hurried down the last few metres and slipped into the class.

I frowned, that was definitely odd.

"Well, looks like she's in a hurry," Hunter shrugged. "I am too. See you later, bro."

"Sure," I muttered and went into the same class Violet had just entered.

We only had three classes together as far as I knew.

There was an empty seat at the second line on the row closest to the door. I took it, avoiding the fluttering lashes and eye contact of the people around me so I could find Violet.

There she was by the window right across the room, next to Annie who was talking in hushed tones with her. They both looked my way, the moment Violet caught my gaze she closed her eyes with a rather pained expression and turned to the window.

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