Chapter Thirty-eight: A Breakdown.

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Chapter Thirty-eight: A Breakdown.

Today was perfect!

The sun wasn't exactly shining, all the birds had migrated to warmer places by now, Moo had woken me up at three am instead of five this time, Dad wasn't around to cook breakfast today and my hair wasn't cooperating with me but today was still simply perfect!

Why? You may ask.

"I'm actually going on a date tonight!" I squealed, spinning around in my vanity chair and nearly knocking my phone over in the process.

"Yes, we've established that." Susan said, laughing as I set the phone back up so she and Annie could see me. "Get yourself together, woman!"

"I wonder how you'll react if he then asks you to be his girlfriend." Annie said.

"Eeeeeeeeee!!!" Susan and I squealed together.

"That'll be a dream." Susan sighed, "you'll be surprised how many people can't wait to hear that news."

"It is dreamy." I said, putting on my mascara. "I sometimes wonder why he doesn't bring it up or anything, but I'm also glad, I mean what would I say?"

"Uh... yes?" Susan said, she was munching on something in her kitchen.

"Is that a croissant?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, got a whole tray of them, why?" Susan replied.

And that was how we got to have chocolate croissants for breakfast at school. It was a good start to a special day.

Then all hell broke loose during lunch period.

I'd blame Jason and his big ideas though. For some reason, he thought Angelo to be the grandiose and extravagant type, one had to wonder where he got that idea from.

"Coach needs you back on the team. Everyone does. You quit so suddenly without any explanation." Jason said as our group made way to the food line.

"And the Coach is only just noticing because?" Angelo asked, lifting a brow.

Jason sighed and admitted the truth, "look, he's obviously grasping the opportunity you've provided the team to be prosperous by stepping into your real name, but there's got to be something in it for you!"

"If there was something in it for him, he won't have left." Hunter murmured and Jason threw him a death glare. "Just saying."

"Hunter, unfortunately, does have a point." Jason sighed, grabbing some food trays and passing them to us. "You're already popular, don't exactly need a scholarship, already got the babe..." He gestured to me.

I took the last tray, "Actually we're not...ouch!"
Susan had literally pinched my butt!

"...and you even have the privilege to cut any line in this school, I don't have that." Just as Jason said it people started stepping aside.

"You can go first Angelo." A girl said kindly.

Hunter smirked, "Bro."

"I can wait." Angelo shrugged. "Thanks."

"What about lessons on how to be less awkward if you join?" Jason asked, hopefully. But he didn't need those either, the girl had already turned to her friends, giggling excitedly.

I chuckled and looked up at Angelo, "You just turned down the fast lane to food."

"I already had something." He replied quietly. His fingers brushed against mine.

"So guys." Susan said, looking up from her phone. "The bleachers are a no-go area right now and if you look around, the lions are in position."

Hunter let out a loud laugh. "Yeah yesterday was hilarious!"

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