Chapter 19- Long drives and sickening lies

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Sorry for the slight wait! Here it is now :) Liv xx

"YOU!" I exclaimed, pointing accusingly at the curly haired boy. "YOU evil little shit!"

Harry winced before flashing me a small smile.

"Surprise?" He said and wriggled his fingers in the air. I rolled my eyes dramatically, taking my gaze back to the road and clutching the steering wheel with force. 

"I can't believe you. I- you- How?! Why and how?!" I stuttered desperately, my heart thundering ferociously against my chest, still recovering. 

"I got in and slammed the door at the same time as you. Much easier than expected. You really are oblivious, aren't you?" I pursed my lips, ignoring his remark.

"You are-" I searched for the right word. "impossible! Really impossible!" 

I saw Harry shrug through the rearview mirror and I shook my head, sighing. Harry kept silent for a couple of minutes before straightening himself up.

"Paige?" He asked. 

"Hm" I replied.

"Why were you crying?" He asked a bit sadly. I mentally face palmed myself, remembering that I'd sobbed basically the whole trip. And Harry had heard it all. I didn't answer for a while before saying that it was a long story which end up being a bad idea because Harry insisted that we had to drive for another hour and we had time for Long stories. 

"Look, Harry. It's just; not easy to explain," I said.

"You can try," Harry suggested. I contemplated doing so before finally giving in.

"You can't tell anyone, alright? This is... This is big," 

"I promise." 

I took in a deep breath, and explained it all. From when basically I stopped contact with Niall, to when I told him about the baby.

"So he doesn't believe you?" He asked gently, staggered at my speech. I nodded silently.  "Fucking prick," he commented. You don't say, I thought. "What will you do with  it?" He then asked. I shrugged slowly, taking a deep breath.

"I really do not know,"  There was a moment of silence. The car purred gently as we continued driving before Harry suggested to stop for a little while. Agreeing, I parked in front of a Petrol Station before Harry climbed to the front with me and pulled me into a breath taking hug.

"I believe you," he mumbled in my ear as his body pressed against mine. I smiled absent mindedely and wrapped my arms around his hard back.

"Thank you," I whispered quietly. We stayed like this for a while before another tear trickled down my cheek and the restless, uncontrollable sobs came again. Harry just drew circles on my back with the palms of his hands before finally pulling away and giving me a small smile. "You'll be okay. You're strong," he said and my heart filled with warmth. Sniffing, I went to fill up the car with petrol while Harry went and bought food before we continued driving through the night, filling the time with useless but caring small talk. 


~Niall's Point of View~

"'Nother one please," I slurred and the bar tender pulled a face. 

"Sir, this is your forth pint," he observed. I waved my hand carelessly in the air and the man obediently handed me another glass of godly Guiness as I threw a note of 50 quid on the table. 

"My man!" I Exclaimed out of the blue, "what name d'ya go by?" 

"Ed," he said simply, while wiping some glasses.

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