Chapter 11- bruised mornings and horrid rehearsals

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Chapter 11 - Bruised mornings and horrid rehearsals

Here's chapter 11 and i hope you enjoy it!! :)


Light streamed into the room, causing my eyes to blink open. I groaned, my head throbbing from the alcohol from last night. Reminding myself never to drink three glasses of beer in less than an hour, i took in a deep breath trying to cease the migrane. It wasn't long before i suddenly panicked, the surroundings seeming unrecognizable but i relaxed when i felt Familiar warm arms wrap around my waist, making me smile. I looked up to face Niall who was fast asleep with his lips parted as he exhaled every few seconds. Strands of his bleached hair fell over his eyes, which flutterd indicating he was probably having a dream of some sort. I wondered what it was. Maybe it was about me... Maybe about last night? This caused my mind To rewind back to yesterday evening, a smile curling on my lips as i remembered.  

"What you smiling 'bout" i heard a croaky but cheeky voice. I spun my head sideways to face Niall, a lopsided grin planted on his angel looking face. 

"Well goodmorning there Nialler" i chuckled. Niall raised an eyebrow.  

"You didn't answer the question" his cheeky tone continued, making me roll my eyes. 

I leaned in, kissing his lips softly before placing my mouth on his ear. 

"If you really want to know... Last night was brilliant" i whispered and kissed his ear. Niall turned his head to face me, that grin still planted on his lips. 

"You were brilliant" he corrected and i giggled. 

"Well, i am a dancer" i teased, poking his bare chest.  

"I didn't even know that being so flexible was possible" he replied. I planted another wet kiss on his lips, before pulling away, furrowing my eyebrows.  

"What's wrong, love?" Niall asked, mirroring my expression. I brushed my finger carefully against his top lip. 

"You're bruised." I paused. "You have a bruise on your lip" i repeated. Niall shrugged. "Didn't know until you mentioned it."  

"hmm" i said, before peeling the blankets off Niall's bare body, revealing the scratches on the pale skin of his back. 

"Oh god, what did we do?" i breathed out. Niall stuck his bottom lip out as he leaned his head up to examin his body, trying to hold in a laugh. 

"What did I do?" i corrected myself before Niall chuckled. 

"You were a bit rough last night. T'was fun! Don't worry, i'm perfectly fine" Niall chirped happily and laughed. I couldn't help but chuckle as i hopped off the bed, my head spinning all of a sudden. Stupid alcohol. Niall looked at me pouting as he saw me walk off and i gave him a small smile. 

"I'll be back in a sec" i informed, Slipping a fresh pair of Niall's boxers on and walked over to the luxurious bathroom. I looked around absentmindedely as i relieved myself before seeing a large modern, glass clock hanging on the wall, it's hands ticking bright orange. 

"aw Niall, this is cool, where did you get this clock fro- FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" I shouted frantically as i saw the time. 9:52am?! It couldn't be! That was impossible. Practise starts at 10... It starts... Oh my god! 

"Um, is everything alright babe?" A curious and concerned voice asked from the other room. I sprinted out of the bathroom, pulling at my hair. 

"Does it look like it?! Bloody hell, i have rehearsals now!" i exclaimed angrily, thowing my hands in the air.  

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