Chapter 1- boys and bachelor pads

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Chapter 1- Comment on your thoughts about the story :)

About Three hours had passed since i'd left the rehearsals. i was in my room in front of a mirror in some spandex shorts and a tee, trying to do about a dozen spins in a row. My head was dizzy, and before i knew it, i collapsed on the bed. I desperately needed to perfect those spins or else i was dead.

Suddenly i heard a brief knock on the door, followed by my mother's high voice "Honey?"

"yeeaaah" i exclaimed, still thoughtlessly staring up at the ceiling. My mother entered, a mobile phone in one hand and a can of coke in the other. 

"you have someone that wants to speak to you on the phone." she quickly whispered, handing it to me. I took it, confused by the fact she had my phone but quickly pressing it firmly against my ear.


"Oh hi! Is this Paige?" the voice was strangely familiar.


"Oh, well it's Danielle! Remember me, from earlier? Well you left a pair of bright green and pink high heels in the locker rooms, and your name and phone number is actually written on the sole of them, so-"

"Oh God, how embarassing. My mother probably did that." I nervously laughed, my fists tightening. How humiliating! Did my mother have to label every single piece of clothing i had?! I wasn't 10 anymore!

To my relief, Danielle just laughed with me.

"Well, they're here with me now. Do you want to pick them up? You might want to, they're actually really gorgeous and i'm tempted to wear them myself now!"

I chuckled, feeling more at ease. I liked her. "Yeah, sure! I bought them recently for a party coming up, so i probably should! Just give me your address and i'll be there right away." Danielle and i exchanged details, and i was already in my newly bought Masini Noi Peugeot, speeding to a part of London i'd never particularly been to before. I reread the address. Was it right? This was the most expensive part of town...


I pressed my foot down on the brake satisfyingly, observing my surroundings. Number 4, Willow's avenue. This should be it. I parked in front of a gigantic, modern house, trotting anxiously up to the four metre gate. A man in a black suit eyed me suspiciously as i approached, my heart speeding up.

"Name." he interrogated, fingering the coiled cable wedged behind his ear.

I gulped. "Paige Odonelley"

Suddenly the large gates opened, and i was ushered to the large front door. I rung the doorbell, butterflies settling in my stomach. Why was i so nervous?

"Cooooommminggg" i heard a low voice and thundering footsteps approchoaching. The door suddenly opened, and to my surprise it wasn't Danielle.

"Hi!" A boy around my age looked at me curiously tilting his head. His dark coloured ringlets fell slightly over his eyes as he gave me a smile, a pair of prominent dimples appearing.

"ugh... Hi" i responded, clutching my bag tightly.

"You must be Paige! Well, you probably already know who I am." he announced, winking.

Confusion spread across my face. I had no idea who he was and i'd never met him, so why did he think that i did?

"um... I'm sorry, but i don't" i crunched up my eyebrows apolegetically. The boy in front of me widened his bright green eyes in surprise.

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