A Heavy Heart

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Woohoo part two already again i appoligise for any mistakes im not purrfect ohh god im awful. haha well enjoy.
Shion's POV

It was only three weeks and i missed Nezumi. He was the one who helped me realize that i have true emotions and helped to bring down the wall. Of course he left me to clean the mess that both of us made. I then thought of the day Nezumi left me here. He had kissed me and said it was a promise kiss and that he would return to me one day. I hope it was soon because I don't think I can do this on my own. I was already getting lonely and little Shion was already getting really big. We assumed he was three years old because my mom Karan said he looked that age and he acted like it too. My mom still ran the little bakery and I was the leader of No.6. We were trying to come up with a better name for the town but couldn't agree on one yet. Being the leader is hard work and I have managed to do well enough on my own for now but some of the residents don't like the fact that we broke down the walls and have become a group of new no.6 haters. No one knows exactly why they hated it unless they were in the group and they normally didn't talk to the people who liked it. Many of the residents do like the new no.6 and accept all of the people who were part of the little town outside the wall where I had lived with Nezumi. Thinking of Nezumi was a bad thing because it always made me cry. I have tried talking to many people in order to have some comfort in my situation but no one knows what to do when you and your boyfriend bring down the walls of no.6 and he leaves right after and never knowing when he will return. Im not even sure i can call him my boyfriend but i would like to and since he's not here i cant ask if we are technically dating. Finally i broke down and started crying my little shion came in my room and said "wasss wron dada" i love the way little kids talk. I sigh and say "Well my little angel i miss your other dada". Just then i hear a rat squeak and turn my head towards the sound. Then i saw him the cute little one named hamlet although im not sure if he calls them that. Hamlet walked up to me with something in his mouth. When i looked closer i saw a note and something else i couldn't quite tell what it was though. He opened his mouth and the items fell into my hands. When i saw the flower it only made me cry more. "Ohhhh my god did Nezumi send this Hamlet". He squeaked once more as if to say yes and walked over to little Shion. He crawled up his arm and rested on his shoulder as i opened the letter. It took a while to open since i was crying and shaking from excitement and nervousness. When I finally opened the letter it read..........
Well i apologize for cliff hanger but its 6:00 in the morning and i got school bros amd plus it was getting long hehe sorry ok not entirely
~Lillychan out peace

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