27| Mistake

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Chapter 27: Mistake (Amelia's POV)

We were sitting in my living room. There was still plenty of time until dinner and we just made chocolate muffins that were baking in the oven. 

"How come you were craving chocolate muffins today?" I asked, looking at him from where I lay. My head was on the armrest of the couch while my legs were in his lap. He kept squeezing my leg and massaging absentmindedly. At first, I told him he didn't have to do that, so he stopped but while watching the movie he just started on his own again. 

"I don't know," he mumbled, watching Iron Man. 

Iron Man 2, actually. 

"It's been a while since I had them, especially the ones you made." 

"Why? Are they special when I bake them?" I chuckled, turning to the screen. 

He hummed softly in response, "Hmm, yeah." 

I glanced at him, smiling to myself and then turning back to the screen. Then suddenly, the doorbell rang. 

"Muffins," he said eagerly, turning to me. 

I stood up, laughing, "Not yet." I was wearing his t-shirt but I kept on a pair of his old boxers underneath. I answered the door and saw Linda. "Hi, Linda," I said, forcing a smile. 

"Can I come in?" 

I hesitated, "Actually, um, I have someone—" 

She barged past me and strolled in like she owned the place. Literally speaking, she did, but still what the hell? She sighed, pacing, and then turned to me. "Have you decided yet if you'll..." Her eyes landed on Michael and she trailed off. She faced me again. "Who's this?" 

"You would know if you let me talk sometimes, Linda. I have someone over, can you come by later?" 

She inched closer to me. "Is he your boyfriend?" 

"He's actually..." I gestured for her to come closer then I said in her ear, "None of your business." I smiled, pulling back and looking at her smugly. 

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, don't tell me. I just came to ask if you'd made up your mind." 

"About what?" I grabbed the kitchen island, leaning against it. 

"About when you're leaving," she deadpanned. 

"Leaving?" Michael stood up. 

I closed my eyes, thinking, goddamn it, here we go. Linda just can't keep her mouth shut. 

He walked around me, checking on the muffins. "Where are you going?" he asked me. 

"She's movin' out," Linda answered for me, eyeing Michael. Her eyes went down the length of his body and her eyebrows shot up slightly, seeming impressed. I kicked her shin gently, my jaw clenching. She turned to me, shooting me a pointed look. "Come on, give me a break," she scoffed. 

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