37| Quit

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Chapter 37: Quit (Amelia's POV)

We spent the next six- no, not six, five and a half months, keeping things quiet. 

Our first month together went by unnoticed as it is, except for that car picture outside the Boston Public Library. After that, without letting anybody know, except for my family and uncle Mason, I moved everything out of my apartment and into the penthouse. 

The next five and a half months were smooth sailing for the most part. Whenever we wanted to be alone, all we had to do was drive home. 

The hardest part was practice sessions and the games every Friday. I couldn't watch him practice because the other assistants and players would notice and start questioning things. I couldn't cheer too loudly at a game because it would raise suspicions about the nature of our relationship. And after seeing Vince and Demi, who are apparently dating now, we had to be even more careful. 

When Vince and Demi came out into the public and said they were together, in a committed relationship, and had been keeping it a secret when they got caught in New York, everybody was a little suspicious on this side. I found it hard to believe that they were dating and none of us caught on. Plus, if they were dating wouldn't Vince have been nicer to her in the time leading up to New York? But I don't know and I'm not asking either, it's none of my business. I wouldn't want anybody asking me about Michael and me either. 

The problem was that after Vince and Demi went public, Michael faced a lot of questions. People were asking if the members of Royal Riders were finally getting into new relationships and making secret affairs public. People were asking Michael, specifically, who the girl was that he met at a "rendezvous by the Boston Public Library" and even City Scoop- fucking City Scoop- wrote an entire article about Michael's secret girlfriend and exploring theories on who she may be. 

During these months, there were some hard times. Times like when that girl, Michael's third assistant who was trying to replace Demi, came in. I hated her the moment she came for the interview, there's no lying about that. I hated her, even more, when she met the rest of the team and couldn't stop staring at Michael. I can safely say, I've never been happier to see someone get fired. 

"Do you think Vince will ever find an assistant ever again?" Maya asked while we sat in the lounge room. 

Practice had just ended and the guys were taking a rest before we all left. "I don't know," I sighed, "as good as Demi? Probably not." 

"Isn't a new assistant coming in for him today? I thought James told us all to get ready and be nice to the new girl." 

I shrugged. "Maybe. It's not like any of us were mean to the others. Plus, I don't think we're the problem," I said, glancing pointedly at Vince. 

She chuckled, "True." 


I looked up as Michael walked over. "Yeah?" I asked, trying not to smile too wide. 

"Where are we going next? Do I have any plans?" 

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