Chapter 8

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Zara was a goddess on her wedding day. Even when competing with a cathedral that was centuries old, she was a presence and she swept people off their feet in her own ballroom. The cape that she wore for the ceremony had been the perfect blend of power and softness, shaped into a breastplate of sorts, it was robust and strong, but still lacy and feminine. The cape was removed for the reception, but I was sure her simple, streamline dress would be talked about just as much.

The first dance was beautiful. She shimmered under the gentle lighting, moving in perfect sync with Jasper who was undoubtedly dashing in his tuxedo. As much as I wanted to stare at her dress or the crown tucked into her bed of curls, it was hard not to be drawn to the couple. If I could look past all of the men with medals, the women with ridiculous titles, it would almost see like this was a backyard wedding for two people who were very much in love.

But this was certainly not a backyard wedding that most girls dreamed of. Hell, it wasn't even a golf course wedding. I was sipping on the world's finest champagne, standing next to a flower arrangement that cost more than my car. When supper came, I was sure it was going to be the finest cuts of beef, freshly caught fish, and vegetables that had been harvested yesterday. After meeting the head chef, food was what I was most excited for.

If I made it to supper.

"You look like you're hiding," Dex whispered beside me, his voice barely audible over the magical sounds of the orchestra.

Leave it to him to seek me out when I wanted to curl up and die. "Great opener. I would recommend starting with telling a girl she looks good first."

His eyes swept over me then, slow and casual. I took a moment to do the same to him. He had been right, the last time he had worn a suit had been high school grad. Seeing him in the grey pinstripe with a bold pattern tie and shining shoes was something I wanted to remember.

"You look great," he affirmed. "So now why are you hiding? Or is this all part of your role?"

I didn't bother to answer him. My time was running out. The first dance came to an end. Zara took a step away from her husband, their hands dropping. With grace that could only be taught and practiced, she curtseyed, dipping her head to put that diamond and sapphire tiara on full display. When she rose, I swore she was blushing, but the moment moved to Jasper who took one of her hands before bowing deeply. I had never considered my cousin to be a romantic, but this moment proved me wrong.

And maybe he would be so happy, so filled with love, that he wouldn't notice my blunder. Or better yet, maybe it wouldn't have been reported to him.

I was a fool for even considering something like that. Jasper rose, all broad grins and twinkling eyes. A second song started. Dallas stepped in looking as dapper as ever in his little tux and the queen was occupied with a dance that would make everyone else's heart melt.

But it only gave Jasper a moment to sneak away. And come right for me.

I debated bending over behind the towering flower arrangement and vomiting right then or alternatively, jumping out the nearest window and hoping for an injury severe enough to prevent this meeting from happening.

"Congrats man," Dex announced. I knew he was trying to be genuine, but his voice was tense and robotic.

Jasper didn't even blink. "London, come with me."

I didn't have to be told twice and since I had opted to not cause injury to myself, I knew my next best option was to remain quiet and take this with all the grace I could muster. Keeping my chin up, I zigged and zagged through the crowd behind him, pausing when he was interrupted by someone clapping him on the shoulder or wishing the couple well. It only prolonged my suffering. We made it out of the grand ballroom, into a secluded hallway that made our footsteps echo and finally into a small office where Jasper slammed the door behind me.

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