Chapter 22 ~ Paris

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"Fay" I whisper in her ear letting her know that we have arrived in Paris. We have been on the plane for so long my legs are going numb. It was not a bad plane ride though since we were the only people on the plane.

Fay stir and looks at me with tired eyes. I give her a smile.

Me and Fay have been growing closer every single day. Ever since I confessed to myself about my feelings, I have found myself getting closer to her. Abby tells me that she still talks with Matt though. Guess I will just have to deal with that later.

"We're here." I say and grab her things and put them in her back. Cole and Abby are already off and are waiting for us.

"Alright" She says and gets up. We walk off the plane and grab our stuff. Her driver Mr. Bernard is waiting for us in his car in front of the airport. Me, Abby, and Fay all get in the back with Cole in the front seat.

"Where's the limo Fay? I thought you were rich." Cole playfully pouts and Fay rolls her eyes. "We never needed a limo since I'm an only child."

After a good 2 hour drive we pulled up to this big house. The driver opens the gate and parks the car in the driveway.

We all step out of the car and me, Cole, and Abby, take about a good 2 minutes to observe the big house in front of us. I know we are all stunned to say the least.

The valet comes and takes our stuff on a cart. "Ready?" Fay says and we all nod as we head into the big house.


"Your parents are working late tonight since they wanted to be with you the whole time you're here so you will see them in the morning." The cook/maid Marie says.

We all learned this lady has also been a part of Fay's life since she was a baby and also since her parents were teens. She has been nothing but nice to us and even showed us to our rooms.

Cole and Abby have a room across from Fay's, and I am the one next to Fay's.

We are all sitting in the living room talking and waiting for dinner when the doorbell rings. In comes a girl the same height as Fay and drops her bags.

"Fay!" she yelled and rushed over to her. Once Fay notices the girl she covers her mouth and looks like she is going to cry. She gets up and runs to the girl as they meet halfway. They crash into a hug and fall on the floor.

They stay in that place for a while. I'm assuming they are friends.

After 5 minutes they both get up. "How are you, how did you know I was back in town?" Fay asks the girl who is now sitting with us.

"Your mom would not stop talking about her baby coming home. I heard you guys get in today and I just couldn't wait." The girl squeals but don't think she noticed us because when she turns to us she squeals again.

"These must be your friends Abby, Cole, and Elias!" She says, "I'm Molly, Fay's best friend." She shakes all of our hands as we introduce ourselves.

The two catch up for a while and we all start to talk. We learn how she and Fay met, and all the things they used to do with each other.

Marie calls us for dinner and that brings us to where we are all sitting at the table.

"So, you boys play hockey? Is that what you're planning to use with your career?" Molly asks and both me and Cole nod.

"We have been doing it for a while and love it. We already got some emails saying we could potentially be on a NHL team." I say and she nods.

"Abby, what do you study?" Molly asks.

"I have been changing my mind for a while now but now I'm studying to be a vet."

"That's nice." Molly smiles.

"And Cole and Abby you are together right?"

"Mhm, we have only been official for a couple weeks but yes." Abby smiles.

"Well thank you for the dinner Marie, It was lovely to meet you guys, and Fay, text me for hang out details." Molly bids her goodbye as we finish dinner.

At some point we all made it to the living room and talked for a little till we all felt tired. We went up to the second floor and all went to our separate rooms and got ready for bed. My room is conjoined with Fay's. A bathroom connects our rooms.

"Hey" Fay says coming into my room as I'm going through emails.

"Hey" I replied back and closed my laptop.

"How have you liked it so far.?" She sits on the bed next to me.

"Fay, your house is so beautiful and everyone here is so nice. I'm excited to see more of Paris."

"Yeah well I'm excited to take you all somewhere, although there is a place I want to take just you. Just because you're the only one that I have told most of my past about and it's related to my past." I nod and she gets up.

"Well goodnight Eli, have a good sleep." She comes over to me and gives me a kiss on the forehead after moving my hair.

She walks out and leaves me blushing. She is just making this crush of mine harder and harder to maintain. She doesn't know what she does to me but I want her to know. And the fact that she wants to spend time with me alone makes my heart warm even more.

I can't wait to see what Fay has in store for us these next 2 weeks. I hope that maybe I can confess my feelings.

This is the city of love no?

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