Bonus Chapter 6 ~ Baby Reece

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I'm standing in the middle of our living room. Me and Elias were watching a movie. I told him I was going to go get more popcorn and once I stood up, I felt like I peed myself. I'm standing here frozen knowing dang well it was my water.

I sigh and turn to Elias, He is looking at the puddle on the floor in disgust. I can't blame him. He then looks up at my face and gets the realization. "Oh my gosh, okay, let's go, the bag is already in the car, let's go!" He tries to hurry me out of the house.

I wobble in pain as contractions start and Elias goes back to the house to lock the door. He gets back in the car and drives really fast. I have to hold onto the handlebar.

"Ughh." I groan in pain. Elias puts his hand over my belly and rubs it to sooth the pain. We get the the hospital and Elias rushes inside to grab me a wheelchair. I would be lying if I said I'm not laughing on the inside. It's just so cute and funny to see him like this.

He comes back and opens my door. He helps me out and shuts my door, grabbing the bag from the trunk. He rushes me inside and a doctor there leads us to a room. I change out of my clothes and into the gown.

Elias is on the phone with my parents telling them I'm in labor. He then called everyone else who we know would love to see the baby after its born.

I just got my epidural and my contractions are hurting less and less. Elias is still stressed for no reason. He is sitting in a chair beside my bed when the doctor comes in and tells me it's time to push.

"Wait, can we please wait for my mother in law? I want her here." I say and the doctor looks to Elias who shrugs. "She is almost here baby, but you have to start pushing." I nod in defeat and start to push.

I groan and scream as pain courses through me. I'm squeezing Elias' hand as he strokes my hair. "I can't do it." I say out a breath. "Yes you can baby, you are one of the strongest woman I know, you can do this, bring a life into this world."

I use Elias' words of encouragement to push harder. After straining I lay my head back in defeat. The door then opens and Eli's mom comes in. I look at her and give her a defeated look.

"Hey sweetheart, I know you're doing great. I need you to push with all your might. I know that the baby might have Elias' big head, but I have also done this four times and it never gets easier. You got this." She kisses my head and with that I push.

"Keep going, the head is out." I push even harder and when I feel a weight lift off of me, and the sound of my baby crying, I lay back and rest.

"You did so good, baby, you did it." Elias praises me and kisses me. I just relax for a while until I feel a weight on my chest.

There sits my baby, all cleaned up. Elias cuts the cord and the nurses take the baby to get cleaned up. I sit here for a while until the nurse comes in.

"Gender?" We all nod and she gives us a smile. "Its a healthy baby boy, congrats Mr. and Mrs. Graham. She walks out and I look at Elias . He is smiling at me. He hugs me and kisses me all over. "I love you baby. Holy crap, you did it Fay." I giggle and let him kiss me.

Elias' mom leaves the room to go get food. Me and Elias are cuddling on the hospital bed until the nurse opens up the door. She is holding our baby wrapped in a blue cloth. I find myself smiling wide as she hands him to me.

She leaves and I cradle my baby. "He is perfect." Elias kisses my shoulder and I giggle. "He has your nose and mouth." I say and he laughs.

Our baby boy starts to wiggle a bit and wakes up. He looks up to me and stares at me for a while. He has our more so my eyes. He is the cutest baby ever. Of course I'm biased though. "Hello little baby, yes, hi, I love you so much." I kiss his soft forehead and look at Elias.

He strokes the baby's hair as he leans his head on my shoulder. Elias takes his shirt off due to the heat in here. I hand him the baby as I try to stretch, dealing with my lower pain.

The baby lays on Elias' naked chest and cuddles close to his dad. I lay on my side and watch this moment. I grab his phone from the nightstand and take a picture.


After a while of cuddling with our bundle of joy, a nurse comes in and asks us for the name. She hands us the birth certificate.

Reece Sage Graham.

That's our baby boy's name. I love the name Reece because it was the name of an old friend that I hold to my heart. Elias licked out his middle name after his mom's maiden name.

It's perfect. He's perfect. I can't wait for the adventures that this boy will bring us. '


"Knock knock." I hear my best friend's voice as she walks in with her little family. Elias is sitting on the chair holding Reece. Abby comes over to me and gives me a hug which I return. Willow is in her dad's arms sleeping.

"Can I hold him?" Abby asks and Eli nods, handing Reece to her. "What's the gender and name?" She sways with him smiling.

"His name is Reece Sage." I say and she looks at me with a huge smile. "He's beautiful, he looks just like you guys."

They visit us for a while until visiting times are over. Elias ran home to grab my blanket and also an extra pillow.

When he returns I'm putting baby Reece into his little bed cart next to my bed. Elias hugs me from behind and we look at our baby for a while.

"Come on baby, let's sleep, you must be exhausted." He helps me into bed and spoons me. We fall asleep facing our baby boy.

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