Chapter 34 ~ Wild

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This has been by far the best date ever. Elias knew exactly what I wanted and didn't fail me. He was so nice to me the entire time and I can't wait to see what the next date is going to be like. Now I'm not sure if he would even take me on a second date but I would hope he would since he seems to like me a lot.

Elias had told me that he has had feelings for me for a while now. I was shocked to say the least but I'm so happy he was patient because if he was to ask me out months ago I would have said no.

But he made me feel so comfortable on this date and he was also himself. He didn't act differently around me and was just his plain goofy self.

The drive back was exciting. We were singing to Miss Taylor Swift and he had his hand resting on my leg. Not too high up to make me weirded out, but enough to make me melt.

His cold rings sent shivers down my spine as he would look over at me in every red light. He smiled at me like he was on top of the world and I couldn't be more thankful for him.

I didn't think I would be up to date since Leo, but Leo was just an example of how I need to move on. I know if I were to tell Eli to wait for me though, I know he would.

"After you." He opens the front door and we walk in. He takes my coat off and I put my purse on the table.

"Hey you guys, how was your date?" Abby asks from the couch and when I look over I see the unexpected.

Leo and Dylan are sitting right on my couch looking at me and Eli like they just saw a ghost. "What are they doing here?" Elias asks in a harsh tone. I slowly take my shoes off and Elias helps me.

We walk over to the couch and look over them. They give us a weird look and Elias speaks up again. "What. are. You. doing. Here?" He spits out like venom and Dylan starts to laugh like a psycho.

"Oh Eli let me tell you what they're doing here. So story time, me and Abby sitting on the couch just enjoying each other's presence. You would think I get to kiss my girlfriend in peace but no we get a knock and we think it's you guys so I open the door and these two asses barge in the door." Cole spits out and I turn to the two.

"So you think breaking into our house was a good idea?" I ask the idiots who are sitting on my couch.

"Oh please if we hadn't walked in Abby would have ended up pregnant." Dylan spits out.

"And why does that concern you? They are both adults and allowed to do whatever they want." I say and Dylan stands up fast and hovers over me. Looking like he is going to hit me, but I don't back down.

Elias pushes him back on the couch. "You don't get close to her like that for crying out loud. Have more respect." Elias says and Dylan scoffs. "Maybe if your hoe would show me some respect maybe I will grant her some." Dylan says and Elias grabs his collar.

"You don't call her that, because first, that's not what she is, second you never talk to any woman like that. No wonder the coach kicked you off the team." Elias grabs him roughly.

"He kicked me off because you guys are a bunch of snitches!" He yells out.

"Get out of my house." Elias says and Dylan pushes him back. "Fine, but just so you're all aware, we are not done with you two, you will have what's coming. And your new little boyfriends can't stop us." Dylan then points to me and Abby.

He walks out the door with Leo. I look at Abby and see her eyes are all teary. I walk over to her and hug her. Crying with each other, we break down. We reassure each other and calm each other down.

We shouldn't have to worry about our exes ganging up on us and trying to hurt us. Abby has been through so much with that man it's not even funny. And the fact that he admitted that he thought what he did to me was not in the wrong, is even more disgusting.

"I'm going to go shower." I say and feel her nod against me. I stand up and walk towards the bathroom, locking it. I strip my clothes off and hop into the hot shower. I washed my hair last night so I just sat in the shower and let the water hit me.

After a good 20 minutes in the shower, I brush my teeth and hair. I put on the nightgown and underwear I had in here and put them on.

I dry the rest of myself off and walk towards my room. Eli is sitting on my bed watching tv. He sees me enter and I give him a small smile.

I walk over to my side of the bed and get in the covers. "I'm sorry our date kind of got ruined because of them." I say in a hushed voice.

"It wasn't your fault Fay. And our date went well, not the end." He says and turns the tv off. Walking towards the light switch he turns it off. He walks towards me and leans down to kiss me.

I kiss him back with as much effort and then he pulls away. "Goodnight Fay." He says and walks out of my room. What a night.


"So how long are we going to be in Minnesota?" Abby asks and Elias shrugs. "Maybe two weeks?" He asks and Cole nods. "About that." We all nod.

We are leaving for Minnesota on Sunday. We decided to take a plane so we would get there quicker. We are spending all Christmas and New years there.

I'm excited to see Elias' family and Coles. They seem really cool from the story I have heard.

On another note, Dylan and Leo didn't even look our way at school today which was good to say the least.

I'm worried that they are going to come for us when we least expect it. But I know Elias and Cole won't let that happen.

"I will go to the store and get snacks for us." I say and they all nod. "I can't wait for you to meet my family. And a little worried you might find a liking for my cousin or my older brother." He says and I turn to look at him.

"Older brother? I thought you only had a sister?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I might have left out that before my dad married my mom and had me and my sisters, he was married to another woman and they had my older brother. So he is half my brother." I nod now understanding.

"I hope he's nice." I say and Elias laughs. "Trust me he is more than nice, And if he gets too friendly with you I'm going to have to start a fight." I laugh at his jealousy.

"Well either way I'm excited." I say and give Elias a bright smile. "Same here." He kisses my temple.

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