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Amity had forced Luz to read the book with her, both having spent the entire day in the library, reading the second book. Luz had checked the third book out, both girls returning to the castle. "Luz of the Noceda family." The guard muttered.

The knight paused, "Yes sir?"

"The king requests your presence in the hall."

Luz nodded, thanking him, leading Amity inside. "Here Princess," Luz handed Amity the book. "I'll speak to the king, you can read the book with out me. I'll read it tomorrow."

Amity took the book, nodding and walking away from the hall. Luz entered the room, Amity quickly returning, peeking through the crack in the door. "You requested me your majesty?" Luz knelt down, looking up at the king.

He nodded, "..You were..Outside with my daughter..Without permission.."

"..." Luz hesitated. "I'm sorry your majesty, I was not aware the princess required permission to exit the premises on her own wi–"


Luz closed her mouth, looking down, the king waving his hand to a nearby guard. The guard nervously swallowed, slowly approaching Luz, his hand beginning to cackle with electricity. If Luz backed away, she would get electrocuted several more times, so Luz stiffened, and prepared for the worst.

Amity was just a second late to push the doors open, hearing Luz cry out as the bolts of lighting glowed brighter than the sun itself for a few seconds. Luz got on her elbows, hissing through her teeth, "Luz-"

"Princess.." Luz said breathlessly, trying to make out Amity with squinted eyes.

Amity caressed Luz's cheek, making sure the frail human was okay. "Amity, to your room." The king hissed.

"Not without Luz. Come on.." Amity helped the knight up, holding her up slightly by wrapping her arm around Luz's waist.

The guard looked up at the king, said king nodding, glaring at Amity. He trembled, drawing a circle, the electricity cackling in his hands. Luz turned, pulling her sword out and pressing the tip against his neck. "No one hurts the princess under my watch.."

He held his hand out to the sword, Luz glaring at him, "I touch it, we both go down. You more than me, human.." He muttered.

"If you're quick enough, that is."

He grabbed the sword, Luz instantly releasing it, using her heel to kick it towards him, grazing his side while he had already electrocuted himself. Luz sighed sharply, "I'll get a new one. Later." She grabbed Amity's hand, limping as she exited the room with her. "Come on.."

Amity glared back at her father before slamming the door, the king gritting his teeth. "Find where the human goes when she's off duty.."

Luz opened the door to Amity's room, letting the princess enter, following her in, closing and locking the door behind herself. "Princess, may I stay with you the night?" Luz blurted out.

Amity paused, "Uhm-?"

"I know the king, he'll want to follow me home. He'll probably send a guard to finish me off, and I don't want to risk you not being able to go out in the days to come."

Amity opened her mouth to speak, but closed her mouth, nodding towards her closet. "You can find a more suitable wear for bed.."

Luz bowed, walking to Amity's closet, taking clothing, and going to the room next to it. Amity readied herself as well, crawling in to bed as she had finished first. Luz came out, no shirt but she had a chamise, and lounging attire. "Never realized how small you are Princess.."

Amity rolled her eyes, getting in to bed, pulling the covers over herself. Luz walked over to her, combing her fingers through Amity's hair. "..What are you doing.." Amity uttered.

"Well..It'd be akward to get in to bed with you, and it's far too late to get a room set up. So I'll help you fall asleep so I can get in to bed with you." Luz explained.

Amity shook her head, "Just get in, I'm a light sleeper. If you shake my bed even a little, I'll wake."

Luz paused, "I'll gather some covers and sleep on the floor. I'll only be resting for awhile Princess, when you wake, I'll be gone."

"..That'll be uncomfortable.."

"I've slept on worse, training was very gruesome. We had to survive for ten days out in the wild with demons and beasts. Then those who survived, were to go again..And again..And several more times til the new year came." Luz gently scratched Amity's neck, running her hand through her hair. "I grew accustomed to an uncomfortable surface."

Amity winced, forcing herself not to think of what deaths others had to experience out in the wilderness. "Di.. Did you know anyone..?"

Luz hesitated, "One..His name was Agustus..I haven't seen him since the third trial.." Luz waved the thought aside. "They never found his body, but I'm hopeful. I know he's out there, still going, I just need to find him."

Amity nuzzled her pillow, gripping the sheets, "Witness any deaths..?"

"Several. But now's not the time for gruesome thoughts. Especially this late. You'll get nightmares!" Luz got up, pulling her hand back. "Please rest Princess, I'll head to bed shortly."

Amity grabbed Luz's hand, "You'll head to bed now." Amity tugged. "Come, there's room.."

"Is this an order or option?"


Luz sighed, going around the other way, lifting up the covers, getting under the same layer as Amity. "I've completed my assignment Princess.." Luz uttered.

"Good knight." Amity pat Luz's head and turned, adjusting the covers.

Luz paused, processing the statement. "You--"

"Night knight! Now hush!"

Luz huffed, turning as well, fixing the covers, grumbling quietly. "Cheeky witch.." Luz covered her face with the covers, sighing quietly. 'Pray for a peaceful night Luz..And hope the others are okay..'

        Tis the adventure continues.

Your Highness~ [Lumity Fanfiction AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora