Chapter Four

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"How is Kai? The boy hasn't been over in a while." Roan's mom, Lucia, asked.

"He came over yesterday after school. Left before you got home from work." Roan answered as he pushed the cart.

"Oh," Lucia replied as she checked the expiry date on the jar in her hand, "And how is he?"

"The same." Roan shrugged.

"And how are you?"

"The same."

"How's football going?" Lucia questioned.

"The same."

"What about classes?"

"The same."

"Ro," Lucia sighed, "I'll give you ten dollars if you speak more than two words in a sentence."

"Hm," Roan gave it a thought, "Twenty and we have a deal."

"Deal," Lucia said as she took out a twenty from her purse and handed it to her son, "Don't tell Betty."

"My silence will cost another ten," Roan smirked at his Ma, who glared at him before pulling out another ten, "Cool. I can go watch spiderman now."

"Great. Now will you please give me an update on your life?" Lucia asked, "This new project is killing me and I hate not being able to spend enough time with you and Betty."

"Is this why you dragged me grocery shopping?" Roan questioned.

"Yes, and also because I hate pushing the cart."

"Pushing the cart is another ten, by the way." Roan tried his luck.

"Don't make me take back the thirty I already gave you." Lucia threatened, narrowing her eyes at Roan, making the boy let out a small chuckle, that in return made her smile too.

The two finished up the rest of the grocery shopping while catching up. Roan held up his end of the deal, and made sure his sentences were atleast five words long. Lucia knew she got more than what she bargained for.

They were at the checkout counter, and the cashier was a senior from school. A girl from Roan's history class who he vaguely remembered doing a project with at the beginning of the year.

"Oh, hi Roan!" The girl, whose name tag read Amy, greeted.

"Hey." Roan grumbled.

Amy looked at Lucia in confusion, probably wondering what a middle aged black woman was doing with a white high school senior. Roan rolled his eyes, being used to this kind of reaction.

"Cash or card?" Amy asked.

"Card, please." Lucia answered.

Once the two were done paying for the groceries, Roan carried the bags and helped his mom load them into the car. Instead of going back home with her, he told her he was going out with his friends.

"Here," Lucia said, handing Roan another twenty, "Pay for Kai and get some popcorn too."


It was Wednesday evening, and Roan was in his room finishing up his homework. Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't just some airhead jock, he actually did his homework and studied, and was a straight A student, though not many people knew that.

"Shit, shit, shit.."

Roan snapped his head towards his room's door as a drenched Kai hurried in. Roan frowned at his best friend, who was shivering and was completely wet from head to toe.

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