Chapter 16: Kiss me

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After I cleaned myself up, changed underwear for obvious reasons and got dressed, I got down to the dining hall for dinner. And boy, I was hungry. I greet everyone and take my usual seat next to my parents and siblings.

"Dan, you look like you slept all afternoon. Are you okay?" - Nate asked me, worriedly.

"I am, sort of. I mean, I don't like fighting at all! I don't know what took over me, but I know it had something to do with that discussion with Lauren." - I answered, truthfully.

"Did you have another dream with the mystery girl?" - Denise teased me. She couldn't help herself!

"If you must know, yes I did. There's no point in denying it. You can probably even smell it on me. I dreamed I completed the bond." - I confessed and I knew it was way too much information. Everyone looked at me gobsmacked.

"Ewl! We're eating! You're so gross!" - Denise replied with an ugly grimace.

"Daniel, manners please! You should have showered first!" - Mom said as she looked at me disgusted too.

"I would, but I was afraid I'd miss dinner." - I explained with an apologetic glance at her.

Nate was laughing at all this exchange.

"So, when are you going to tell me who she is, brother? Is she ugly? Are you embarrassed because you think you'd be trading down from Lauren?" - Nate questioned me with a mischievous grin. I can't help but laugh a little, so do my parents.

"No, Nate, that's not a concern I have. I know no one will be hotter than Lauren whoever the Goddess chooses." - I replied to him, amusingly.

"So now you think it's not gonna be her?" - Mom asked. I knew she wouldn't miss the opportunity.

"I never said that! I still believe it's her! I'm just saying that it can be anyone! But I still hope it's Lauren!" - I explained. But my mom wasn't convinced.

"That means you don't think it's the mystery girl?" - She insisted. - "Who, according to you, you've literally just dreamed you completed the bond with!" - She stared at me, suspiciously.

"I don't think dreams are foreboding! I think they're just it, dreams." - I lied, of course I knew they were. Every single Huntington Alpha has dreamed about his mate, including my own dad. And my mom lived in another city before she was mated, as I've explained before.

"Yes, of course." - Mom stated. - "But if you really didn't think that, you already would've told us who she is." - She argued, so smug. I could tell she's convinced I wasn't exactly telling the truth. She knows me too well. She's my mom after all.

"Touché, Luna!" - Nate exclaimed, obviously agreeing with her. But then again, I'm not convincing anyone to be honest. Not even myself.

 Not even myself

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