Chapter 37: It's my party / Love of my life

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It's a nice day for an ascension, isn't it?

I wake up with my parents barging into my room to wish me happy birthday, like they always have been doing since before I can remember. Of course, today was special because it's my 18th and today I become Alpha of the Rutherford Falls pack.

"How are you feeling, cariño?" - Mom asked me, caressing me like she always does. I smiled.

"I'm feeling sleepy. You guys woke me up way too early!" - I snickered, yawning.

"Are you ready to ascend?!" - Dad asked, cheerfully. They both sat near me in the bed.

"Yes dad, I am. And before I forget, I need to take a moment to thank you for all your help with the council at my hearing. I mean, I know you carry a lot of sway there." - I thank him, deep in thought.

"Actually, it wasn't me. It was your speech. Who knew you had it in you?" - Dad pondered, messing my hair.

"I did!" - Nate said as he enters my room. - "Good morning, Alpha, mom, dad." - He greeted us. Dad scowled.

"Hey, he didn't ascend just yet. Let me have my final moments!" - Dad snickered. I laughed. So did mom.

"Of course, Alpha! Are you ready for today, brother?" - Nate asked, excitedly. He sat at the edge of my bed.

"I mean, how ready can a person be to maybe die on their 18th?" - I joked but my mom didn't like it.

"You're not going to die! Who says anyone is going to challenge you today?" - She said, annoyed at the insinuation. Unfortunately, we all knew too well what's coming for me today. And it's deadly!

"Mom..." - I gave her a poignant look. Dad and Nate didn't even look at me. They know what I'm talking about!

"Don't worry, big brother, pack law forbids me to challenge you today." - Denise snickered as she entered my room. Though she was telling the truth, minors can't pose challenges. Neither can unmated wolves.

But it's not like we're talking about a 500 people pack. So, there's still plenty ready to try. And I can't refuse any of them or I forfeit my position. And you'd have to kill me to keep me from being Alpha, literally!

"That's actually very reassuring, Denise." - I said to her as she sits down on my bed, near our parents. I know she would never challenge me, even if she could. She's my sister, after all! But I am glad I don't have to worry about her. She would make a formidable opponent, nevertheless.

"Are you ready to become the next Huntington Alpha?" - She questioned me, smiling.

"I'm not ready to stop depending on my parents!" - I answered, leaning into my mom's hands.

"We're not going anywhere! We're just gonna change rooms. We'll always be here for you!" - Mom replied, referring to the fact that I'll move to the Alpha's quarter, should I survive the challenge that is.

"Thanks mom, but you can take your time moving. I'm not in any rush!" - I told her, sheepishly.

"You say that now, but when you see your mate today that'll be a different story! I mean, you're gonna want the room as badly as I want a grandchild!" - Dad joked.

"Good one, dad! You're too young to be a granddad! You're not even 40!" - I rebuked, laughing.

"That's right! I know I am too young to be a grandma. I mean, look at me!" - Mom said as she props herself up.

"Oh definitely, you're a knockout!" - Dad said and he kisses her. Honestly, these two are the most in love mates I've ever seen. It's inspiring!

"And on that note, I need the room with the Alpha. Official Beta business!" - Nate spoke smiling.

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