Chapter 25: Hello

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It's late. Usually, I'd be in bed by now, but it's Friday so I don't have school tomorrow. I've already done plenty of activities since coming home from school, now I just wanted to hear about Nate's wolf date with Daphne.

Not much longer, he tried to sneak in the pack house quietly, but I catch him as soon as he steps one foot in. I mean, I was basically sat at the sofa on the play room, so it wasn't that difficult.

"How was your wolf date?" - I nearly startled him as I approached. - "I've been dying to hear about it!" - I confessed, excitedly.

"It was great, really." - Nate replied, avoiding my gaze for some reason.

"I'm glad, brother. I really am! At least, one of us..." - I stopped myself as I noticed the bite bruise in his arm. And then it hit me.

"Oh My Goddess!" - I yelled. I grabbed his arm and...

"You lost your..." - Nate shuts me up with his hand in my mouth.

"Keep it down, will you? You don't need to announce it to the whole pack!" - He reprimanded me.

"I'm sorry. But we're going to talk about it now!" - I demanded and signal him to follow me to my room. I barely had time to close the door behind us I was so excited (for him).

"How did it happen?" - I started as I sit in my bed.

"Well, when a guy and a girl like each other very much, they..." - Nate snickered.

"Funny... very funny! I like this new Nate!" - I said as I looked at him in awe.

"Truth is I just went over there to show her my wolf and maybe make out a little." - He explained.

"But then she took one look at me naked and went to town with it!" - He continued, smug and confidence dripping from him.

"Oh my Goddess! Who are you and what have you done to my brother?" - I exclaimed, shocked.

"I am still your brother, just not your virgin brother anymore!" - He replied, grinning.

"If this is you after one night, I'm afraid of what is gonna happen after you actually complete the bond." - I pondered, gobsmacked.

"I know, right? I feel as if I am the king of the world!" - He boasted, beaming with joy.

"So, are you gonna tell me how it was... you know, with your mate?" - I insisted. I was very curious, not gonna lie.

"Oh Goddess, Dan, it was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had!" - He started, radiating. He was bursting with joy, it was infectious.

"When I was inside her, I felt like I was complete, I felt whole! We couldn't get enough of each other! We went at it 3 times!" - He said as he gesticulated and show me 3 with his fingers.

"3 times?!" - I repeated, in awe. - "Damn, Nate!" - My jaw was on the floor. He was so happy as he told me about his night, we talked for an hour or so. He was beside himself with happiness and it warmed my heart seeing him so joyful.

 He was beside himself with happiness and it warmed my heart seeing him so joyful

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