Chapter 7: A Spring Picnic

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You awoke to a soft knocking sound coming from the front door. You shot up and ran to the living room. As you went, you noticed your reflection in the mirror and did a double-take. You were in a loose-fitting t-shirt and baggy pajama shorts. You sprinted back to the bedroom, took off your shirt, and threw on a nice satin robe your mother had given you for Winter Star last year. You looked in the mirror once again as a second round of knocks sounded from the door. You sprinted over and opened it, not knowing who would be stopping by this early.

    "Uh...hey, (Y/N)," Shane said, standing nervously on your doorstep. "I just came by to see if you still had my jacket."

    "Oh!, it's right over here." You said, completely embarrassed that Shane found you in your disheveled morning state. "Come on in." You ran over to your small coat rack and picked up the blue jacket.

    You turned around to see Shane standing awkwardly in your doorway. "Thanks." He said as you handed it to him.

    "Thank you for letting me borrow it last night." You said, looking nervously at your feet.

    "It's not a problem, I would have let you keep it longer but Morris called me in for an emergency shift and it's part of the uniform, y'know." He said rather quickly. You looked up at him and his cheeks were equally as red as you imagined yours were. "Well... I guess I should be going."

    "Wait!" You said, stopping him as he turned around. He looked back to face you. "Would you like to stay for some breakfast?"

    "Oh, I'm fine." He said. "I don't need to bother you anymore."

    "You're not bothering me at all!" You said, smiling and walking over to your kitchen. "I usually eat alone. If you don't mind, I'd love the company."

    "Breakfast does sound nice, I guess." He smiled. He sat down at your kitchen table. "Buh... it's a long walk here from Marnie's." He laughed. "I'm out of shape. I don't know how you do it." His cheeks were bright red with embarrassment.

    You blushed from his attempt at a compliment. "What sounds good for breakfast?" You asked, peering into your fridge. "I have some frozen hash brown mix. I could add some onions and hot peppers to it if you'd like? I could also make bacon with it, I think I have some in here." You pulled out a package of the salty meat.

    "That sounds good," Shane said, a smile starting to spread on his face. You quickly made breakfast and set two steaming, full plates down on the table, along with a pot of coffee and some mugs.

    "Dig in." You smiled as you poured yourself a cup. You started eating as the hot food warmed your body. You looked up to see Shane had already finished his meal and was sitting with his coffee mug pulled close to his lips. "I'm sorry if this isn't as good as what Marnie makes. I'm somewhat new to cooking."

    "Hey, it's better than anything I could do." He laughed. "The microwave is the only thing I know how to use in a kitchen."

    You both laughed and continued to talk until you had finished your food. You took the plates and cups over to the sink as Shane grabbed his things to leave. You walked Shane over to your front door.

    "Thanks so much for stopping by. It made my morning." You smiled.

    "Thanks for the breakfast." He said emotionlessly. He turned and left as you began to close the door. "Wait-" His hand pushed the door back open a bit. You saw him standing nervously on your porch for the second time that morning. "Uh... (Y/N)?"

    "Yeah? Is everything okay?"

    "Oh yeah. It's just that I... uh... I was wondering..." He anxiously scratched the back of his head. "I was wondering if you would want to go on a picnic with me later... by the fountain north of town?"

Shane X Female Reader - Stardew ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now