Chapter 47: The Talk

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"Good morning, sunshine." Shane whispered into your hair as he spooned you. A strong arm slinked over your waist, pulling you tightly against his body. "Thank you for talking with me last night."

"Of course, baby." You mumbled as you turned to face him. "That's what I'm here for. I try to support you."

"You do such an amazing job of that." He grinned. "Now, it's probably time we get around to taking care of the farm."

"I just have to feed the animals, it's getting close enough to harvest that I'm not watering the plants much." You explained. "I can go and do that while you make breakfast if you'd like!"

Shane grinned and gently placed a kiss on your forehead. "That sounds like a great plan."

You hustled to finish the farm chores quickly and returned to Shane sitting in the living room, watching football with no breakfast to be seen. "Hey, babe!" He jumped up when you got inside.

"Hey..." You smiled hesitantly, looking around to see if Shane had done anything in the thirty minutes you had been gone. Glancing him over as he pulled you in for a hug, you realized that he had gotten dressed at least.

And he was dressed rather nice at that, compared to his typical standard at least. He was wearing a heathered grey tee shirt with a dark, forestry green flannel and jeans. He was wearing his nice tennis shoes as well, the ones with the leather details. His hair was freshly washed and combed and his face was completely clean-shaven. Something seemed fishy.

"Is everything okay? Where's breakfast?"

He pulled away from the hug. "Marnie called while you were gone. She invited us over to breakfast and I said we'd come. I figure it would be a good time to bring up the whole 'Jas living situation' thing, you know?"

You were a little reluctant to go. Of course, you loved the plan that Shane had pitched during the night, but you weren't sure how on board Marnie would be in regards to giving her up. "Okay, I just don't know what Marnie will say."

"It will be fine." Your fiancé reassured you. "I'm her legal guardian, after all."

With that, you headed off to get dressed while Shane continued to watch the game. You decided to dress up to compliment your soon-to-be husband's outfit. A simple orange dress that matched the fall leaves around you was a perfect accent to his green flannel. You paired the short dress with some leather boots and the two of you quickly started towards the Ranch.

"Shane! (Y/N)! How are you, my dears?" It was apparent that Marnie had been eagerly awaiting your arrival. "I wanted to let the two of you have a day to yourselves yesterday, but golly I couldn't wait to see you again!" She waved her hand in a signal to follow her to the kitchen as she kept walking. "My Shane, engaged. And to such a beautiful and smart person!" She beamed with pride. Her joyful energy could only be described as contagious.

"Hello, it's nice to see you again." Mayor Lewis greeted as the two of you stepped into the kitchen. "Shane, are you watching the gridball game today?"

"Oh yeah!" Your fiancè replied ecstatically. "It's one of the last Tunnelers games for the season."

Before you could get roped into a boring conversation about gridball, you heard the tiny and quick footsteps of your future niece. "UNCLE SHANE!"

"Hey, kiddo!" Shane dropped down to his knees and held out his arms for a hug she eagerly ran into. "How are you doing, Princess Jas?"

The pair talked for a few minutes before Marnie sent Jas to go collect the morning eggs. "We're having eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns, by the way."

"Sounds great, Marn." Shane commended. Mayor Lewis quickly excused himself to the restroom, leaving the three of you alone in the kitchen. "Listen, there's something we need to chat about."

Marnie looked up at Shane with a confused expression but nodded her head as she followed you two in taking a seat at the kitchen table. Her eyes grew wide and she looked a little scared as your fiancè begins his mildly rehearsed speech. "Look Marn, (Y/N) and I have been talking, and you know that Jas is legally my responsibility. We both love her so much and I don't want to miss out on her life since I'm moving to the farm."

Marnie began to look deathly afraid as Shane kept talking. "So together, we've decided we'd like Jas to live with us." He looked over at you. "Just on the weekends, so she would stay here during the week.."

Marnie let out a huge sigh of relief as she said "Oh, thank Yoba." Shane looked confused, mimicking your emotions. She continued talking as she explained her reaction. "I thought you wanted full custody of her." She wiped a tear from her eye. "I would have given it to you, of course, but oh, Shane, I don't want to live without her. She's the biggest part of my life." She blew her nose in a handkerchief. "Of course, you can have her on the weekends, dear. In fact, it might be a nice little break." She laughed. "Maybe work on your speech delivery, though. You really had me scared for a minute!"

This was somehow the exact reaction you were expecting while simultaneously not at all what you had imagined. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" You followed up.

"Yes, of course." She smiled sweetly. "While I obviously want to spend as much time with my niece as possible, I understand that she is Shane's and I don't want to stop him from doing what he thinks is best for her. In fact, I think this is a very logical, well thought out plan for Jas." He grinned with pride at Shane. "You've taken into account her personality, all of our schedules, and her routines. It really shows me that you know what's best for the both of you, just like when you brought her here in the first place."

Marnie's confidence in your plan was a reassurance to any minor doubts you had, and you couldn't wait to start this new life. "This is perfect. I'll call Robin tomorrow to see about getting a room set up for her."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you." Marnie stood up to start working on breakfast again. "Purple is her favorite color if you want any inspiration. Though I'm sure she'll love anything that the two of you decide to make for her."

"Thanks for always being so supportive and here for me," Shane interjected, looking sentimentally at his aunt. "I don't know what I would have done back then without you."

"You would have learned to manage." She chuckled as Mayor Lewis returned.

"Smells delicious, Marnie." He commented as breakfast began to take its form. 

✏️ A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry it's coming out a couple of days late! I recently started a 9-5 job on top of my schoolwork which has been making my life a little crazy! Next week's chapter, Chapter 48: The First Snow, will come out on Saturday, October 2, 2022. Thank you all so much! xoxo Kira

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