Chapter 23: The Forgiving And The Fair

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"Just, how did it happen?" Shane asked again, pacing anxiously through your living room.

You retold your boyfriend the events at Elliott's cabin for the third time. You had called JojaMart and told Shane to come here after work. He had come running, worried that there was something wrong. Thirty minutes later, he still hadn't taken off his hat or jacket. You were worried about what he was thinking. "Everything's okay, Shane." You reassured your boyfriend. "Come sit down."

He stopped his pacing to look at you as you patted the spot on the couch next to you. He reluctantly walked over and sat down. "I just...I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine. He didn't even kiss me, he just tried to." You smiled. "I'm a little shaken up, but I'm fine."

"What made him think you liked him like that?" Shane shook his head. "It just doesn't make sense."

"I honestly have no clue."

Shane looked puzzled. "Maybe he was just making a pass at you. You are very attractive, after all." A slight smile burst through his tightly closed lips for the first time since his arrival. "I mean, trust me, of all people I should know." He gave you a side-eye and winked.

"Oh, whatever." You smiled at the compliment. You were just happy to see Shane easing up. You didn't think that he would have been so upset by what had happened, but you knew he struggled with his own insecurities. Having another man make an attempt to kiss his girlfriend probably didn't help with that.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." Shane rested a hand on your lap and quickly squeezed your hand with his other. "That's the most important thing to me."

"You're so sweet." You blushed. You leaned in for a kiss, knocking the Joja Co. baseball cap off of his head in the process. Shane quickly brushed it to the side, focusing on your kiss.

He pulled away and just stared into your eyes. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, (Y/N). I know it couldn't have been fun. But, I'm so proud of you for getting away AND for catching a bunch of fish. You always amaze me."

You blushed deeper with compliments from your boyfriend. "I just feel so bad, I would never mean to lead him on like that. Especially since you and I are dating."

"Does he know we're dating?" Shane asked. You hadn't really thought about that before.

"Well, I told him I was seeing someone after he tried to kiss me." You explained. Shane tried to hide it, but he still flinched a little when you spoke about him trying to kiss you. "But I didn't name you specifically."

"Hmm, well at least he knows now. He probably just didn't do his research." Shane stood up and started towards the kitchen. "Now, come teach me how to cook fish." He grabbed one of the slippery creatures from where you had dumped them in your kitchen sink to rinse. "Yoba knows I'll end up burning this place down if I try on my own."

You set off to the kitchen to help Shane cook the fish. You settled on using a couple of the sardines to make 'Dish O' The Sea,' a popular seafood dinner that consisted of hashbrowns and cooked fish, occasionally prepared with roasted vegetables. Though he didn't have much cooking knowledge, Shane seemed to be a natural in the kitchen and quickly picked up on everything you taught him. You were impressed.

Before too long, you had prepared two hot, delicious plates of Dish O' The Sea and were ready to dig in. You took the plates to the living room and you both sat down on the couch. It was less formal than your dining table and just felt nice.

"So, besides the event today, how are you liking Stardew Valley?" Shane asked, trying to spark a conversation.

"Honestly, living here has been better than I could have imagined." You were overwhelmed with how much your life had improved since you had moved to the Valley. It was a night and day difference.

"I'm glad." Shane smiled. "I know Pelican Town has its own customs that can be hard to adjust to."

That was true. There were all sorts of holidays specific to this area, like a festival on Wednesday you had recently heard about. "Speaking of which," You smiled, excited to see what Shane thought of this 'Flower Dance,' "What's the deal with the Flower Dance? Are you going?"

Shane's face turned bright red and he rolled his eyes. "Ugh, where'd you hear about that?" He laughed. "Of course, I'm going. I have to dance, don't I?"

"You're gonna dance?" A smile broke across your face as Shane nodded to your question.

"In a blue suit and everything. It's awful." He smiled. "But hey, you'll have to do it too now."

He teasingly pinched your leg. "Hey!" You squealed. This just made Shane laugh and he held out his arms to you. You more than willingly crawled into them, lying comfortably against Shane's chest as his big arms wrapped around you.

"The only good part of the dance though, is that you get to pick who you dance with." You felt a slight hum in Shane's chest, which you instantly recognized as him smiling. "Which is normally a curse for a drunk like me, but this year I have you."

"You're not a drunk anymore." You corrected Shane. "But yes, now you have me."

He kissed the top of your head and rested his hands on your stomach. "We can practice the dance tonight if you want," Shane suggested. "But I want you to know that I hate doing it and I'm only offering this because I think you're really, really cute and I love you."

You chuckled. "I love you too." You felt so at peace laying there with him. All of the events from earlier in the day quickly faded away. You closed your eyes and just let yourself relax in the calm. "You should stay here tonight." You suggested to your boyfriend.

"That sounds wonderful." His words vibrated through his chest. "I have work tomorrow, so I'll have to get up early if that's okay."

"Of course." You smiled. "As long as you kiss me good morning before you leave."

Shane laughed lightly. "Sure thing. Yoba, you're such a romantic. It's adorable." He ran a hand lovingly through your hair. It washed away the nasty feeling of where Elliott's hand had been there earlier. "I'll need to run down to Marnie's and grab some clothes for work and stuff. Either tonight or early tomorrow."

"Why don't we go now?" You asked. "It's a nice day out, and we can grab some pajamas for you to wear tonight as well." You sat up and looked at Shane. His face had a tinge of pink to it. "What's wrong?"

"It's embarrassing, but I don't really have any pajamas." He chuckled awkwardly. "I just kind of sleep in a t-shirt and boxers."

"Well, then we can get you a shirt and boxers.'' You smiled. "I just feel bad making you wear my grandpa's musty stuff."

"Sounds good." He laughed.

You stood up and grabbed Shane's hand. "Let's go while it's nice out before the sun sets."

"Mmmkay." He hummed as he followed you to the door. You put on your shoes and headed out across the farm to Shane's aunt's ranch. It typically didn't take long to get there, but the two of you mosied hand-in-hand, slowing down the walk significantly.

"I'm really excited for the Flower Dance now." You smiled as you reached the end of your property. "I can't wait to dance with you."

"We'll have to practice when we get back." Your boyfriend agreed. "When we get to the ranch, remind me to ask Marnie to help you get a dress. You'll need one if you want to dance." Marnie's Ranch had come into view now, so the two of you hurried along the path and inside.

✏️  A/N: Hey all! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! On next Sunday, April 17, 2022, I will release Chapter 24: Some Nights And More Memories. Thank you so much for reading and your continued support! We're almost to 3k reads on this story and I cannot express how much that means to me! Thank you all!!

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