Chapter 29

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I don't own Naruto.

 "Haaa~" bleary azure eyes stared ahead at the light filtering trough the curtain of her room before she looked down at her two hands and the her thin fingers with perfectly smooth skin as if she didn't do a single day of manual labor in her whole life.

'Did I go to sleep as Narumi?' the blonde girl exalted air out of her lungs and began to rub her eyes hoping to dispel the sleepiness with little in terms of success, rather then leave the comfort of her bed and go about her day the blonde decided she would rather bury her whole body under the warmth and think about what brought her to this moment or well go back to sleep, the later sounded much more appealing for sure.

'I just come from training with the team and Mikoto-san when I decided to go make some purchases but I didn't want to come across Sakura-chan like that time two weeks ago so I did a different henge?' the neo girl took a strand of her hair and stared at it with squinted eyes thanking the rays of light that sneaked underneath the blanket for the light it took to notice the color.

It was still blonde but the shade was so washed out it was closer to silver, she has yet to understand how this whatever it was worked. She was very limited in what she could choice from but it responded to her wishes which brought her to her current appearance.

She bet her eyes are azure color and her skin tone reached levels of pale that would put the younger Uchiha to shame.

'Well I finished shopping and I wanted to practice some of those seals Mikoto-san made me learn. Changing back makes me tired so I stayed like this.' the books she was given only contained the basics but she was thankful for at least this much, she knows the woman got in trouble for teaching her about seals.

'Stupid old man, why do you like to take everything I like away from me?!' she mentally raged curling in a ball, it was a mere two days after she rekindled her friendship with Sakura as Narumi when the man called her to her office to tell her how dangerous was to learn seals with a masters supervision and that Mikoto-san was irresponsible for teaching her that and that he knows about her restarting her double life.

Thankfully this time he was more understanding and only told her to be safe and think of the consequences rather then make her give up on it which included both her double life and seals but she was still angry about how he criticized the only teacher she had that she really likes.

Well beside Zabuza.

And Kakashi.

Allright she has more then one teacher she really likes but Mikoto-san was different! Zabuza's training consisted trying to survive and silver haired man barely thought them anything. She likes him more become he treats her nice.

Mikoto-san on the other hand was the teacher she always wished for, someone who would explain her things calmly and help her out when she doesn't understand something rather then treat her like it's because she wasn't trying hard enough.

'Well there was Iruka-sensei but he hated me at the start.' the man warmed up to her eventually, he even offered to take her to buy Ramen several times but she was too busy with her double life at that time and many times she refused, she kind of regrets it. Why did she say no to ramen?!

Bottom line she really likes teme's mother, it was too bad Kakashi-sensei will return in a day or two at most but then again originally he was supposed to be back even faster.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." she chanted, finally deciding to leave the comfort of her mattress and leave the bed.

Her hair was a mess and the shirt and boxers barely clung to her body but at least she changed in some proper sleepwear before going to sleep, if she were honest she cant remember how she got there, the last thing she remembers is a lot of studying and reading and calligraphy practice to the point it all meshed together in one big mess.

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