Chapter 3

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It was not often that Naruto thought about his status as pariah in the village, it never ended with pleasant thoughts so he shied away from thinking about it knowing that won't solve anything and staying positive is the better choice. Let it not be said that he doesn't have his moments of being wise beyond his years.

Still there were days, there were always days when the sadness of being an outcast kicked in just like now.

He had a good day, a great day in fact it was Choji birthday and he was invited! He never entered one of those fancy restaurants Choji clan owned so he was excited! And there was food, great food, free food.

It was just him Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino and some other family members of his friends which would have been fine if some of the adults at the party didn't watch and talk about him so much.

'Did their parents tell them to stay away from me to?' He wondered curling on his bed.

He couldn't hear much over the noise but his name and any reference to 'that boy' or 'troublemaker' stood out from all the other words. He likes to be in the center of but still! This was just...weird and all around why he didn't eat as much as he planed.

He told himself that they talked about him this much because he pulled so many pranks, maybe they thought he would do something bad but his guts told him otherwise. It was Choji's birthday, they are supposed to talk about him or discuss whatever boring stuff old people talk about not him.

Kiba noticed to which made it very awkward but didn't say anything trough he saw him throw some glances to a woman with similarly wild traits that was surely his mother and one of the people who talked the most about him, the times she refereed to him drooped soon after but he couldn't feel very festive at that point.

Well at least the food was good. The special diet old man put him on after he got out of hospital that time was killing him!

It was nice to have his food delivered at his door everyday for free but there was no ramen and too many rice and green stuff! There was meat but only boiled meat which was supposed to be healthier.

If he wanted him to put some fat on him why not just give him candy and cake everyday? He didn't even look like he out any weight on him after weeks of that diet he still looked like a stick which made him remember why he was like that in the first place.

'I haven't tried my henge again." He wondered in his mind realizing how time flew by.

It was almost a month from when he figured out he can make a solid henge but the memory of waking up with the face of his idol was still clear in his mind as well as how much like crap he felt when he turned to normal but that made him think.

He had many plans with the normal henge before Iruka-sensei told him how fragile it was. Plans that were ignited a second time when he discovered his jutsu and forgotten after that scary night and two days of hospital.

They weren't just prank related, he knew how people treated him differently just not why. Maybe if he didn't look like himself?

Maybe he would be treated like everyone else?

Unnoticed to the blonde until now his eyes started to tear up.

He began rubbing his eyes and whipping his nose on his sleeve. His eyes shined with determination thinking it was worth a try only it would worry the aged Kage and didn't want to wake up with the man's worried gaze pined on him a second time. 

'Wait how did Jiji know I was in trouble?' he wondered thinking of as many possibility's as he could.

Maybe his scream? That had to be it! He screamed very loud right well not this time around and it was the beginning of weakened either way.

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