Chapter 12

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Yall can stop hating me now 😭 keep on the look out for more updates on this book and some other today though. Also i don't know much about how the situation with all mellys alters work but I wanted to try and make this a little about Marcus cause I heard Marcus is a bit of a romantic.

Since that morning when they woke up it wasn't hard to tell that Marcus was fronting, it was different waking up in an actual bed for him especially after the first time he fronted after Melvin got arrested. That had been hard for all of them.

Ty had been showing him movies and games that had come out since the last time he had been free "yo you ight?" He asked

Marcus nodded "Yeah I'm chillin.. we should go on that first date today" He said looking over at him, Marcus wasn't exactly big on the idea of Melvin meeting and talking to ty but atleast he hadn't killed him and they were all warming up to the idea

Marcus had a bad feeling about it though, like they should enjoy it while they got the chance.

Ty frowned "I mean yeah but no offense we can't exactly go anywhere" he added which was true.

Marcus thought for a second that was the downside to there situation they had all missed there chance at being a teen and having there first dates but even now they couldn't live the way they wanted.

"I got a place."

That was enough for ty to put the controller down "ight I guess what should I wear?" He asked

Marcus shrugged "comfortable stuff" he said nonchalantly

Ty nodded getting up and went to start getting ready, the day light outside was beginning to dim and he needed time to get ready. Marcus sat on the couch lost in his head as he waited, he could feel Melvin trying to push his way through. He had always been to jealous for his own good but none of them could blame him.

He sat like that for a while before ty came back down stairs in a casual outfit and the jacket that Melvin had given him. Marcus felt himself begin to smile as ty walked over to him standing in front of him. Marcus pulled him closer wrapping his arms around his waist.

Ty grinned slightly "okay okay i get it but we have to go if we're gonna get there before dark" he said

Marcus stood up shrugging " my bad you just look good and you don't even know where we're going" he said slightly amused.

The two left out of tys back door making sure to lock it behind them, he expected them to go around the house from the back but instead Marcus walked straight into the woods behind his house. Ty frowned confused but followed after him moving branches and anything else out of the way as they walked.

Eventually though ty began to get ignored as the daylight turned into a sunset it was pretty but this walking was to much  "if this is your idea of a date then mabye we should have stayed home" he said unimpressed

Marcus shook his head "this isint it just wait" he said continuing on

Thankfully though they didn't walk much longer before a house came into view, ty was a bit confused but they didn't walk straight to the house but instead towards a hill further back. The hill wasn't in vision from the house especially not in the dark but you could get a really good view of the sunset and if they stayed long than mabye the stars aswell from the hill.

Once they had sat down it was alot better "so what is this place?" He asked

Marcus shrugged "you'll have to wait and see" he said simply

They sat and talked for a while watching as the sun set even more before it had turned into dim darkness and then Marcus turned back to look at him or what ty had assumed was him. He realised quickly  though he was looking behind him at the house.

Ty turned around and saw what he only assumed was a family getting ready for dinner. It was a mom and a son, the dad wasn't anywhere to be seen but the son looked to be around 13 or 14 and was sitting at the table waiting for his mom to put his food on the table in front of him. The mom eventually sat down as well as they ate and laughed.

Ty was still slightly confused "who is that?" He asked

Marcus didn't look away from where he was staring "that's my little brother" he said And it all kind of dawned on him what was happening

He kept his mouth shut and just sat with him as the boy did what he did and eventually he turned back to look at ty " I know this probably sucked  but this place is important to me and I wanted to share it" he said

Ty shook his head "no this was okay..." he said  As Marcus nodded " i have a question" he added


"Do you switch a lot... like your other personalities" ty asked

Marcus shrugged "I mean it depends we don't always get lots of time out. Melly use to be out most of the time but he's just dosent want to anymore especially since he dosent get to see his family or friends anymore. Melvin was out most of the time with you.." he said

Ty immediately noticed he was speaking in what sounded like third person and grinned "so i was right you arent melly or Melvin" he said

Marcus shook his head "My names Marcus and you should definitely be able to tell the difference" he said

Ty was proud of himself for being able to tell even though it was kind of obvious and he leaned over pressing a kiss to his cheek "nice to meet you marcus" he said


Guys- I have to update books so I really don't have time to edit this past the basics so I'm just gonna publish It hope you enjoyed

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