Chapter 13

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  The thing about being with someone who had different versions of themselves was that it was always a different experience. And Ty could always tell.  Marcus was the most obvious because he always looked at him in the most loving way and he always wanted to be near him or hold him.

With Melvin it was obvious too because he'd get very touchy and in a different way than Marcus. He wouldn't let Ty walk away from him for even a second and sometimes Ty would wake up in the morning to Melvin just walking in.

His head would spin and he'd feel sick at the thought but he never mentioned it, he was afraid if he did he wouldn't like the answer.

It was on a rare occasion that he saw Melly and when he did he could tell because Melly never really wanted to talk to or touch him. It's was almost like he'd ignore him entirely.

That morning Ty woke up alone so he expected that Melvin had probably went out that night but when he walked downstairs he was sitting on the couch starting at the tv.

And even though Ty usually knew at the point it wasn't always easy and he never knew the right way to approach any of them. "Aye" he said trying to test something out and when the boy only looked at him for a second before turning away he knew.

Ty nodded slightly "You know you really don't have to stay here Melly" he said

Melly glanced at him "you told us to" he said simply

Ty nodded "yeah but Melvin doesn't listen anyway" he said

Melly didn't look away from the tv again "so you don't want me here? Trust me if I didn't have to be out it wouldn't be" he said

Ty frowned "I just meant that you don't look like you really want to be here.. what does that mean?" He asked confused

Melly rolled his eyes "no matter how you feel about either of them they aren't the real person which means that they can't be out all of the time. Just relax, once they're good again they'll be back" he said

Ty nodded walking into the kitchen to grab what he had come down for before walking back out into the living room "shouldn't you guys have the same amount of time out though" he said

Melly rolled his  eyes "shouldn't  you be done talking to me now" he said annoyed

so ty was right. this version didnt like him at all. he thought as he nodded his head and turned to walk up the stairs.

he couldnt even imagine living like that, being trapped in the mind of your own body because of something that wasnt your fault. it especially wasnt fair that he had to be at tys house just because melvin and marcus wanted to be.

And the fact that deep down there would always be a part of Marcus and Melvin that didn't like him didn't sit right with him either.

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