Midnight Club

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!! This story is purely fictional. I do not support any themes written in the story. Dream has strong themes of abuse and abusive relationships, Stockholm syndrome, and violence; viewer discretion is advised. All characters, places and scenarios are purely fictional.Please be aware that this story contains triggering and uncomfortable topics!! -Minnsta


    The Midnight club. Filled to the brim with luxury and riches, overflowing with people every night, located on the wealthiest block and owned by the rich of rich. There wasn't a single night the club rested, each floor continuously thrived whether is was on the snuck in drugs, alcohol or pure adrenaline.

    Purple Paradise, Red Arena, Blue Clover (VIP), and White Willow were exclusive to members only. Midnight was superior in the club world, it was obvious. The music could be heard from a block away and the building itself could be seen from afar, sticking out like a diamond mixed in copper.
Despite it's extravagant beauty and unforgettable experiences; this - once upon a time utopia - is where the devil dragged me to hell.


    "Noor!" Camile yelled over the music while walking to the back bar of the Purple Paradise floor.

    I lift my head and grinned seeing her with a "sick and tired of this" look. Standing at 5'9 with curly dirty blonde locks that fell right above her shoulders, messy thick eyebrows and stunning green eyes. She was a goddess nearly everyone dropped to their knees for and I mean, who wouldn't?

    I chuckled to myself, "What happened?".

    "People man," She says pointing to the seating area, "They sure know how to piss off the people serving their drinks."

    I sighed, "Sounds about right. What'd they do?".

    Camile puts her right elbow on the counter and rested her cheek to the palm of her hand, rolling her eyes, "Threatening to report me and shit."

    "Really?" I question.

    "Yes! Just because I served them the 'wrong drink' when, it was literally what they asked for. Like just accept you're wrong," Camile glared in their direction before pushing herself off the counter, "I'm gonna spit in their drinks."

    "You have fun with that." I chuckle, my attention on cleaning the cups.

    "Oh!" She exclaimed before turning back to me, "I heard Andrew was looking for you."

    I look at her, "Why?".

    She shrugged, proceeding to her dirty business.

    I rolled my eyes and finished cleaning the rest of the cups. A couple of minutes later, through the heavy music, so called Andrew walks into the back bar from the corner of my eye.
    A short immature looking boy with silver hair who always stirs trouble in the workspace. It's a surprise he's been here longer than two weeks considering how often he's been fired, thanks to his attitude of course.

    I calmly grab my towel, tossing it on him as I approach him.

    He fumbled to grab it, "Noor."

    I grin annoyingly, "Andrew."

    "Heard you were looking for me." I say softly, walking closer to him.

    "Uh, yeah-" he began.

    "And don't you dare ask me to cover for your ass again. I've already had to 3 times because of your shit attitude." I snap.

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