Is It Forgiveness?

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!!! // Slight Sexual Content

Stop thinking. Stop thinking, just...shut up.

Kieran left and hasn't come back in a irritatingly long time to the point where I was becoming more upset than angry. I sound so stupid inside my head, telling myself over and over again that there's a chance he's going to come back any minute when he never showed. I look stupid sitting on the couch every single day no matter how many times he disappoints me. Every single fucking day.

And the worst part? The little red blinking light on the camera is on all the time. Kieran is watching all the time.

I'm losing my fucking mind. I tossed over on the bed. Suriah, you're a goddamn psychopath for even wanting him to come back. God, it's like I've gone insane. I still want him to come back.
At this rate, he's most likely left me to rot and die in this penthouse while he watches.

I yanked at my hair roughly as I rolled on the bed in an effort to rid myself from my exhausting thoughts. I stopped abruptly, sighing out loudly. I have too much time to myself, way too much time. Even if being here gave me time to disravel my thoughts, I didn't like it. In a way, it was like I was stuck in a loop that never ended inside of my head and that shit was tiring. If I could, I'd claw my thoughts from my head.

I shut my eyes and bit at my lip.

Then there, the click of the door, ringed in my ears. I jumped up, sitting upright on the bed as I stared heavily at the door knowing Kieran was getting closer by the second. They got louder and louder before he appeared like some devil in shining armor as he entered the room.
Kieran shut the door behind him and walked straight past me, going to sit on the room I wasn't there.

My eyebrows flinched together. What? That's it?

I cocked my head at him, biting down on my lip instead of making any sound. Knowing him, he could react at anything I do. Still, I wanted to make a scene as well as I could. Kieran layed whatever he was going to work on out on the table, with his IPad ready in his hand to begin working all while not even batting an eye at me.
I groaned out quietly.

I jumped off the bed, stomping my way into the bathroom. Making sure to slam the door closed. What a fucking asshole. He wants to act like that, well, two can play that way. I'm tired of him treating me like some insignificant piece of shit.

With my pride high, I walked right back out the bathroom just to slam it close again and stormed out of the room, slamming that door closed too. I loudly walked through the house, making sure to make all the noise I could. I wasn't about to let him work in peace, he didn't deserve it.

I plopped down on the couch, bouncing my foot rapidly. I waited...and waited and finally after what seemed like five hours or something, I slipped off the couch and dragged my body up the stairs and into the room. Still, he didn't look at me.

I balled my fists, standing in the middle of the room burning hell into the back of his head.

"Are you not going to talk to me?" I asked, gritting my teeth.


I sighed, "Are you going to even look at me?".

"I don't really feel like looking at you at the moment," He answered nonchalantly.

My jaw almost popped from the tension I had it locked in. My breaths began to quicken, shake and turn hollow as I stood there glaring at him turned away from me. I wanted to push him off the couch and force me to look at me because I'm just so awful "at the moment" that he can't even look at me.
I bit down hard on my lip, tasting the metallic texture touch my tongue.

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