In the Eyes of Kieran

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    Every night, each month, regardless of the time - I made sure to visit Suriah at the club. Some days she was a bit more feisty and hot headed than usual which honestly made the night even entertaining, then, there were days where she was calm and collected. Having been there for a while, the relationships she had embedded into my memory; specifically one between her other coworker. They were closer than the rest, she was closer with him. Meek. Admiring one another with glowing, passionate eyes and 'secretly' being flirtatious. Anyone smart enough could tell they had some sort of fling going on between them - not that I was too worried about it. Something that meaningless is easy to get rid of.

    I just dropped Suriah off at her place pretending I had no clue where she lived and headed back to the hotel I booked. Last night someone spiked her drink and almost did who knows what. I couldn't just let that happen, sure it was pretty amusing at first but no one gets to have what I want.

    I parked the car at the entrance of the hotel, handing the keys to the valet and making my way back to the room. I pushed the door open and silently shut it behind me.

    "Back so soon?" Someone asked inside the room.

    I walked in further and my eyes instantly locked on Emanuel. The edge of my lips twitched into a grin.

    "Coffee?" I asked as I poured myself a cup and walked to sit across the couch from him.

    He shook his head, jaw tense and shoulders at unease, his eyes wandered around the floor visibly anxious and the tap of his foot was the only thing heard inside the room.

    "I thought you left," I mentioned.

    "I-I did but I came back," He said.

    "Why?" I smiled.

    His eyes looked up and every movement in his body stopped.

    Emanuel sighed, "Mr. Knight, I-I think you know why I'm here,".

    "Mm, I don't believe I do," I hummed as I sipped on my coffee.

    He took a deep breath in, "Please don't get involved with Noor,".

    My hand froze with the cup barley touching my lips, my eyes maneuvered up and boldly stared into his insignificant eyes. I dropped my cup, unbothered with the mess and reached for the glass of coffee. I stepped over the short table and smashed the glass straight onto his face, repeatedly. Blood splattered onto my face and on my clothes. I picked him by the collar and wrapped my hands around his neck, watching him weakly nudge at my hands as blood poured down his face. Some audacity he has. As if he has any right to demand shit. I'll-

    "Mr. Knight?"

    His interruption yanked me from my head. I sighed casually, giving him a polite smile.

    "Emanuel, right?"


    "You worked for my company a couple years ago, no?" I asked.

    His jaw tightened, "Yes,".

    "I thought I heard your name somewhere," I sighed.

    He didn't say anything.

    "I'll be straight with you; your word doesn't mean the slightest bit to me. I think we both know what I want; I get. Regardless of who's standing in my way," I explained to him.

    "That's fine, I'm just asking you to-,"

    "No," I intervened, "I suggest you keep to yourself, Emanuel. I can easily get rid of you like I've done before,"

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