Night Out (2)

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TW// Groping, drink spiking

Since Midnight was quite a popular club that meant it was always busy, dummy busy. Every floor would be packed and the line outside was massive plus it took forever waiting. Lucky for us, we get to enter whenever because we work there. No matter how long the line was.
    When we got inside the music blocked every conversation and sent vibrations through everyone's body, Purple Paradise was full and busy which made me glad we didn't have to work today. We went to the seating area and reserved a spot for the night.

"Let's go get some drinks," I told Meek.

He nodded and the two of us walked to the bar waiting to be served. And it was Andrew that would serve us today.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought it was your day off, he asked.

"It is but we just wanted to go out," Meek answered.

"But why here?"

"It doesn't matter!" I exclaimed, "Can we just get a tray of shots?".

He nodded and went over to prepare them. I rolled my eyes and laughed with Meek because he knew what I was thinking.

"You look pretty today," He yelled through the music.

I smiled cheekily and playfully pushed his shoulder, "Oh please,".

"Really, you look good," He said again. Looking into his eyes I could see he was being sincere.

"You look good too," I said, averting eye contact. I could hear his laugh and couldn't help but smile.

Andrew brought our tray over and we headed back to the table. Each one of us picked up a shot.

"Let's get drunk as fuck tonight!" Camile shouted, "You too Noor!".

We took shot after shot and man, I was beginning to become tipsy. Because I was a heavy weight, I didn't get drunk as easily and when I became tipsy I usually stopped drinking. For whatever reason honestly.
    There I was sitting at our table about ready to drink some water until the lovely Camile snatched the water out of my hand and threw it away. I looked at her shockingly, aren't your friends supposed to give you water?

"No water!" She yelled.

"What? Why?!"

"Because you never get drunk with us! Today you are!"

"Camile," I groaned.

"C'mon," she said, holding a shot glass to my lips. I had no other choice, so I opened my mouth and drank it.

"Okay! Let's go dance!" Camile grabbed me and pulled me to the dance area.

I guess what I didn't like about clubs were the dancefloors, all of the sweaty bodies clashing together with no space to breathe, if you had an opening to breathe. Camile and I swayed together, her hands on my hips and my hands over her. My head spinning made my movements looser and more careless.
    I watched the flashing lights dance with us and felt the loud music thump in my chest beat after beat. I spun around and clung to Camile, her hand on my waist and the other on my upper back, our legs intertwined. There was barely any space between us. It might be the lights or the heat but my body started to become heavier and my breath hitched. We danced for forever, my feet ached but I didn't even feel the pain anymore   I had a tight pain in my chest from all the dancing and once that happened I knew it was time for a break.

I pushed Camile away and told her we should head back. Of course she pouted but it wasn't going to work on me.

Once we left the floor I made sure she got back to the table. I walked over to the bar in secret since they didn't want me to drink water but I needed some. Absolutely needed it.

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