5| Marbella

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Chapter 5: Marbella (Emilia's POV)

"So, are you headed to the airport?" I asked while I heard shuffling in the background.

"Yeah, I'm in a cab. The flight is a little after three in the afternoon. When is your flight?"

"Mine's at eleven at night. It's three in the afternoon here now. I've still got plenty of time."

"Yeah," she mumbled, "it's in my purse, just take it," she said to someone on the other side.

"Remind me who's coming again," I said, packing up the last of my things I would be taking with me.

"Literally everybody. Grandma, grandpa, both from mom's and dad's side. Aunt Christy, aunt Rosa, uncle Tim, Toby." We both groaned.

Toby would be our second cousin from our Dad's side. We don't have any first cousins since our Dad was an only child but Toby is the cousin everybody wants to avoid. He's annoying, he's nosy, he's a brat, basically. And he's older than me. He's just not someone we look forward to seeing.

"From Mom's side, uncle Johnny, uncle Ben, aunt Kaelyn, and the twins," she finished. "A few of Mom's and Dad's close friends too, the rest are all from Aspen's side."

"Um, listen, Remy..."


"Is he coming?" I asked hesitantly.

"I don't know. Aspen spoke to him, not me."

"You would still know, he must have told you."

"Nope. Aspen and I decided not to tell each other. I knew you would ask about Adam and he knew Adam would ask about you. So, I don't know if Adam's coming and Aspen didn't know you were coming. Until now since he's heard me talking to you."

"Wait, wait, wait, what? Are you telling me that if he's coming to the wedding, then he has no idea I'll be there?"

"Yeah. If he's coming," she said nonchalantly.

"Remy, do you know how stupid this is?"


"If you've invited us both, at least give us a warning that the other person will be there. What if I'm expecting not to see him and then he shows up?"

She paused and then said, "Well, clearly, you are expecting to see him."

"That's so not the point here."

"What is the point?"

"The point is, I don't want to see him. Ever."

"Well, that's just not possible. Because his brother is your brother-in-law. And I am his sister-in-law and you're my sister. So, obviously, at some point or the other, you have to see him. And nobody is telling you both to face the music yet. You can keep pretending like nothing happened if you see him. Just be civil. That's all I'm asking."

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