28| Dress

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Chapter 28: Dress (Adam's POV)

"Adam," I heard a whisper. Then blissful silence for a mere second. "Adam." A little louder this time. "Adam," she groaned. My eyes fluttered before I squinted them open, looking at her. She was standing next to the bed on my side, her arms folded across her chest. "Hello," she sang, nudging my torso with her knee before keeping one knee on the bed, holding herself up. "Get up, come on. Breakfast is being served downstairs, everybody's already there." 

"I don't want breakfast," I mumbled, taking her pillow and putting it over my head. 

"We're leaving right after breakfast and we're not stopping for lunch until we're done with Remy's wedding dress shopping. I'm sure you know how long that's going to take. Come on, get up." 

I hummed, still not moving. 

"Adam," she huffed, shaking me up before snatching the pillow and hitting my head. 

I whined, my head hurting with a dull ache. 

"Have an Aspirin, I kept it on the nightstand."

I heard her footsteps fading before the bathroom door closed. I peeked at the nightstand and saw the packet of pills sitting on it. I groaned, reaching over and taking one before grabbing the bottle and swallowing the pill. I held myself up on my elbows, looking around the room. I was having a bit of a hard time remembering everything from last night. 

I remembered her bringing me upstairs and everything that happened after that. I remember her letting me hold her, saying she finally figured it out. Then I remember waking up in the middle of the night. Oh, she told me about Tainted Hearts! But what happened after that? 

The door opened back up and she strolled out, dressed for the day now. She had her hair pulled back in a bun with one of those big claw clips, some curls falling loose around her face. She wore a dress today, it was pale tan in color and had to be buttoned all the way up, it had a belt across her waist, cinching it in, and on one side, it fell down her shoulder, leaving it out to see. She grabbed her shoes from near her suitcase and then sat at the foot of the bed, glancing at me over her shoulder. "Are you coming or are you skipping breakfast?" 

"I'm getting out of bed, jeez," I mumbled, ruffling my hair while still comprehending that it was daytime. 

Once she pulled her shoes on, she lay back, staring at the ceiling. "I'm all set, just waiting on you now." She glanced at me. 

I sighed and climbed out, poking her stomach on my way to the bathroom, hearing her yelp. I chuckled to myself as I washed up, brushing my teeth and running my fingers through my hair before going back to grab clothes. I grabbed a casual, loose black button-up and rolled up the sleeves, wearing black trousers with it, and then went back out to pull on socks and shoes after spraying on cologne. Once I did that, I took my phone, wallet, and the key card before standing in front of her. "Let's go." 

She sat up, took the black purse I held out for her, and followed me out. In the elevator, I glanced at her but she was already staring at me. She quickly looked away, her lips pursing as she bit the inside of her cheek. 

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