31| Club

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Chapter 31: Club (Emilia's POV)

After the long hike, almost everybody was dragged to, when we got back to the hotel, the first thing I did was shower and then while Adam showered, I ordered us lunch with room service. 

After eating, I did some writing and at some point fell asleep because now I'm waking up to severe poking. I groaned softly, forcing my eyes open and he finally stopped poking at my arm. 

"Finally, you're awake," he sighed. 

"What? I'm tired, let me sleep." 

"You've slept the whole day, Ms. Emilia." 

I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my palms. "What time is it?" 

"It's almost eight." 

My eyes snapped wide open as I faced him. 

He nodded, watching me in amusement. "And I'm waking you up because your sister just called. She said to start getting ready." 

"Get ready? Where are we going?" 

He paused. "To the club." 

"Oh, yeah," I sighed softly. "I forgot we were doing that today." 

He stayed in his spot on the bed, fidgeting my hands and playing with my fingers. "She said it's walking distance and we leave at nine. We're free to eat before we leave if we want, 'cause there's no real dinner at the club." 

I rolled onto my side, facing him completely. "Why do you sound so mopey?" 

"Do we have to go?" he huffed. 

I watched him for a moment before saying, "No... but we should. Why don't you want to go?" 

"Because it proves to be catastrophically difficult to get you alone whenever we're outside our hotel room." 

"You have me alone in our hotel room every day. What do you want to do?" 

He lifted a brow slightly. "Are you sure you want me to answer that honestly?" 

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Let's go, come on," I sang. "We can go and we'll leave and come back earlier than the others." 

He sighed in defeat. "All right. We come back within an hour. Deal or no deal?" He stuck a hand out. 

"Deal." I shook it. 

Taking a hold of my hand, he reached over and put his other arm around my waist, pulling me over to his side of the bed. He moved up, placing his knees on the bed on either side of me and hovering on top of me, pinning my wrists down to the bed. I watched him, fighting hard to keep the smile off my lips. His eyes scanned my face, lingering on my lips for a heartbeat too long. "It doesn't bother you, does it?" he asked, bringing his eyes back to mine. 

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