The Cullen's

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Emmett and Edward picked us up the next day. We drove away's though a thick forest, down a winding dirt road. When the car reached a clearing, a bright, beautiful home came into view. It was a three story home with lots of windows, lined with beautiful stained wood.

Emmett nearly jumped out the car before it stopped and rushed to my door to get me out. I couldn't help but shake my head happily at him. He was just so excited for this day. He gripped my waist and before I know it we are next to the front door. I blinked a few times and knew I'd never get used to that. We entered in the house first, before Edward and Bella. We walked through the glass door way into a bright and open area.

    "Wow." I breathed, looking around. Emmett took my jacket and chuckled at my amusement with the house.

    "You like it?"

    "Yeah. The design is gorgeous. And all the windows let in so much light. I love it." I grinned at him. He grinned back and took my hand leading me to the stair's.

    "Well, this is the one place we don't have to hide."

As we walked further up the stairs into their home. I could hear opera music playing. We rounded the corner to see Esme, Carlisle, Rosalie and Henry in the kitchen. Esme smiled brightly at us and walked over engulfing me in a hug.

    "(Y/n), it's so wonderful to finally meet you. Emmett has told us so much about you. I'm Esme, his mother."

    "All good things, I hope." I giggled softly and Emmett playfully nudged my shoulder. "It's so great to be here and to meet you finally. I love your house."

    "Thank you, dear." Esme smiled happily at me. Edward and Bella walked in behind us. Esme greeted Bella with a hug. "I hope you two like Italiano."

    "Bella, this is my mother for all intents and purposes." Edward looked at Bella lovingly.

Well that if that doesn't just melt your heart.

    "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle said as he's busily moved about in the kitchen. A smile never leaving his face.

    "I hope you're both hungry." Esme spoke sweetly.

    "Oh, I am." I smiled. Emmett grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

    "Yeah, absolutely." Bella smiled at them all.

    "She already ate." Edward cut in, speaking for Bella, with a roll of his eyes.

Rosalie who had been standing there making a salad squeezed the bowl she had in her hands angrily, causing the glass to break. Salad greens and glass scattered the floor.

    "Perfect." Rosalie sneered glaring at Edward and Bella.

    "It's just I know that you guys don't eat..." Bella rambled off.

Emmett told me to come hungry. So I didn't eat. Apparently Edward wasn't so forth coming with my sister.

    "Of course. It's very considerate of you." Esme said softly.

    "Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward shook his head in annoyance.

    "Yeah. Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie snapped at him. Henry walked over and put a hand on her shoulder in a loving way.

    "I thought you said she liked me." I whispered softly to Emmett.

Though I guess whispering in a house full of Vampires is a futile effort. I thought to myself.

Our Eternity : Emmett Cullen x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن