Time Is Our Enemy

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    "You were amazing." Emmett said looking at me in awe. "Did you get your gift to work?"

    "Yep." I grinned. "Took a few try's but I got it."

    "Well done, (Y/n). You too, Bella." Jasper said with a smirk. "I've never seen any newborn show that kind of restraint before."

    "I'm not sure she is a newborn." Henry said looking at me with a smirk. "She's so... Tame."

    "Henry, I wouldn't antagonize her. She's the strongest person in the house." Emmett said giving me a knowing look. If I could have blushed I would have. Henry snorted.


    "Let's go big brother. If I can beat my husband, since he's usually the strongest. I think I can take you." I smirked at him and he agreed.

    "Let's do this."

We made it to the back yard and I handed Emalie to Emmett. Henry lifted a large bolder to the center of the ground between us. The entire family came out to watch.

    "Don't hurt yourself, Henry." Emmett called out with a laugh.

    "Arm wrestle." Henry nodded at me and I nodded back. We linked hands and each put our other hand behind our backs.

    "On three." I grinned. "1...2...3!"

On three both of us used our strengths pushing against each other's hands. I hadn't even tried using full force yet, but Henry was already struggling. I could feel the amount of force he was conveying. But it didn't seem to phase me in the slightest. He moved my hand about a centimeter before I smirked at him and pushed his hand backwards with ease. I crashed his hand down enough that it cracked the rock we were using as a table. I let go and laughed. Henry looked at me wide eyed. The largest piece of the rock had landed on his foot and I could hear Jacob, Edward and Emmett's muffled laughter.

    "Rematch." Henry grunted. "Tomorrow."

    "Oo ho, big brother. It's not going to wear off that fast. Maybe you shouldn't talk so much smack?" I teased. "You could try again maybe in another month or so." I laughed.

    "No, rematch tomorrow." He growled. I put my hands up.

    "Sure thing, Henry. Whatever you want." I smirked.

He went off and started taking trees right from the ground to prove how strong he was, making me laugh. I looked at the big rock in front of me and got the urge to press my hand into it. I grabbed at the rock and crushed down with just my fingers. I ended up with a hand full of gravel. It felt nice to use my strength for the first time since being awake like this. I'd been trying so hard not to hurt anyone.

I looked at the gravel in my hands.

    "Cool." I chuckled.

With a grin coming across my face. I hit the rock making it split into two and I laughed more. I could hear the others behind me enjoying my childishness. I punched and kicked the rock more, turning it into basically powder. The laughter that filled my ears was melodious, until I heard a new set of giggling making me stop in my tracks. I turned around quickly and looked at my daughter's face and she was indeed the source of the new giggling. Actually laughing at four days old. Everyone else had stopped too.

    "Did... Did she just laugh?" I asked looking around. Emmett held her up and looked at her with a wide grin.

    "Yep. She did." Emmett grinned proudly.

    "Who wasn't laughing?" Jacob muttered rolling his eyes.

    "Tell me you didn't let go on your first run, dog?" Edward teased him.

    "That's different." Jacob pretend to punch Edward's shoulder. "(Y/n)'s supposed to be a grown up. A married woman, a mother now. Shouldn't she have a bit more dignity?"

I watched Emalie's happy little face quickly turn into a frown. She reached up and touched Emmett's face.

    "What's she saying?" I asked walking over to them.

    "Less dignity." He chuckled and eyed Jacob. "She was having almost as much fun watching you, as I was."

I reached out for her at the same time she reached for me. I took her from Emmett's arms and offered her a tiny shard of rock I had left in my hand.

    "You want to try?" I asked her.

She smiled and gladly took the stone. She concentrated, allowing a little crease to be created on her forehead. As she tried to squeeze the rock with her hand. A small dent occurred and a bit of dust. She frowned and held the rock up to me, which I gladly took back from her.

    "Momma will get it." I told her and pinched the rock turning the entire thing to sand. She began clapping and laughing once again. I could have savored in this moment forever.

The sun came out and shined through the trees and my skin sparkled like diamonds. Just like her father's and the rest of our family now. I was amazed by it and so was she. She placed her hand next to the bare skin of my arm and looked to see if it would happen to her too. There was a faint luminosity to her skin, subtle and mysterious. Making her smile up at me. She touched my face and she was slightly disgruntled by the difference.

    "Oh, no baby girl. You're the prettiest." I assured her.

Jacob had his hands up pretending he needed to shield his eyes.

    "Freaky, (Y/n)." Jacob commented.

    "What an amazing creature she is." Emmett said looking at me lovingly.

After I had given birth and begun the change. Carlisle had sent the Volturi a letter to state that both Bella and I had completed our transformation's. They seemed happy about it considering they sent us both completely lavish gifts. Though they'd likely want proof eventually. It seemed as though we had only one enemy left. Time.

At one week old Emalie said her first word out loud. Of course, it was momma and I would have been otherwise thrilled, but I was so shocked I barely managed a smile at her at the time. Not to help the matter she had asked her first full sentence at the same time.

    "Momma, where's Grandpa?" Referring to Charlie.

At three weeks old she had walked across the floor for the first time all on her own. She was watching her Aunt Alice arrange a flower vase and she wanted to join in.

Jacob, of course, burst out into applause for her, because that was the response Emalie was looking for. After a moment Emmett and I joined in, as well as the others. But, it got to the point that since she was born Carlisle was doing check ups on her four times a day. Checking her growth which was increasing at an alarming rate. Emalie almost never wore the same outfit twice. She grew out of her clothes much to quickly.

Emmett and Carlisle, along with the others threw themselves into researching, to try to find anything for answers. Though, we always came up short handed. We tried desperately to keep our fears out of Emalie's sites, but she was a beautiful, smart little girl.

At three months she was the size of a two year old. Emalie learned that she loved to sing and dance. She could run around like any normal child her size could, regardless of her birth age. She spoke proper grammar and she had begun to rarely show people what she wanted to say given she didn't need to anymore. We were worried about how long we would have with her, which only made every moment that much more precious.

Her beautiful dark black hair made her look a little like a tiny Snow White. It was beautifully curled and hung down to the center of her back. Even if I had wanted to, I could never bring myself to cut it. And that was also if Alice would have even let me. Emalie loved dressing up too, something that her and Alice bonded over. She loved every member of our family, but she certainly had her favorites. In most particular she was close to Emmett and I, and Bella. But she absolutely adored Edward, they were two pea's in a pod. It was frankly the most adorable thing to witness.

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