Eclipse: Conditions

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It's been 2 months since the Cullen's returned to Forks. When Bella and I skipped town, so she could rescue Edward, let's just say, Dad was less than pleased. He was pretty upset at us both for taking the guy's back so easily, because of the hell we went through and put him through when they left. Bella and I both accepted our punishment from him which according to him was to be grounded for the rest of our lives. We knew what we put him through and thought it was a pretty fair punishment. Given the changes that were soon to come.

    "Here ya go, old man." I chuckled and handed him another beer.

    "Thanks, (Y/n/n)." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Dad cracked open the beer can and took a sip. Bella and Edward were out, so Emmett thought it would be a great idea to come over and watch the game with him. He hated being on Dad's bad side, so he'd been doing anything to get back the golden child, boyfriend award. Dad was comfortable in his chair, while Emmett and I took the couch. I was studying more so than paying attention to the game. Emmett helped me out a little while also paying attention to the tv.

    "Yes!" Both guy's began hooting and hollering as the team scored another run. Dad even high fived Emmett, which made me laugh.

I was happy to say the least. Happy to have Emmett back, happy to see him and my dad get along as well as they do. But things weren't all that great either. That night we met Jacob in the woods was the last time we'd seen him. He was avoiding me and I understood why but it certainly didn't make it hurt any less.

    "Okay, this essay is done. Finally." I breathed dramatically and flung myself back onto the couch. I checked the clock on my phone. 3:55. Bella has to be home by four. That's our new curfew. "Hey, Em? It's almost 4. You've got to get going." I reminded him quietly. I showed him my phone and he nodded.

    "Alright, I've got some stuff to do tonight. So I'll see you tomorrow?" He held my hands and looked into my eyes. I nodded and he kissed my forehead sweetly. "Thanks for having me over again, Charlie." He told him politely.

    "Thanks for watching the game with me. It's a pleasure to have you over." Dad stood and shook Emmett's hand. Both men smiled lightly at each other. Emmett released dad's hand and walked to the doorway giving me a wink before exiting. "You've got a decent guy there, (Y/n)."

    "Thanks. I know. I appreciate you trying to get back on a good page with him. He really means a lot to me." I said softly.
Emmett knew how much my dad's approval meant to me. I hated that he was angry, seeing as my Dad was one of my very best friends.

    "I know. I just..." He sighed. "I've got to speak to you and your sister when she gets home."

The doorway clicked open and Dad looked at the clock and sighed.

    "Four o'clock on the dot. That kid trying to brown-nose me now or something?" Dad glanced over at Bella with a raised brow. She entered the living room and sat next to me on the couch. Bella scoffed.

    "He has a name. Now he's too punctual for you?" She said sarcastically. Things between Bella and Dad had been tense. He sighed.

    "Okay. You both understand why you're being punished, right?"

    "Yes, we put you through hell." I answered him.

    "Yes, you did." He stated matter of factly. "But I have other reasons for grounding you. Like, uh... I just want you to get some separation from him." He looked mainly in Bella's direction with a quick glance my way.

    "Dad, there's nothing you can say. Edward is in my life." Bella shook her head.

    "Same goes for me and Emmett." I pitched in quietly.

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