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Deep inside the Forest of Darkness, there was a hidden haven, concealed from any unworthy trespasser, the grass was emerald green and soft to the touch, multiple flowers, even endangered and exotic ones littered across the soft grass, tall and sturdy trees were decorated with fruits that it bore, a small pond in the corner had water lilies and small fishes within it.

Within said haven lies the hero's party, resting among the soft grass, underneath the shade of the tree, or playing among the flowers.

Jack, Hannah, and Mary were lying on top of each other with flower crowns on their heads that the wolf children made, Tasha was supervising said children who were playing tag among the flowers, Maes and Lock were helping Beacrox grill meat for lunch, many ethereal elder dragons watched this peaceful scene with a content smile, Dodori was sleeping on the tree the hero was leaning on, Choi Han sat beside Cale with On and Hong on his lap, while Raon was snuggling beside Cale, Ron, holding an empty cup of lemonade, had gone to his son to refill the cup and probably torment his young master a bit longer.

((I got no idea what is with me and describing things like this, but I really like doing it))

A call from Beacrox can make everyone stop what they're doing or snap out of their daze, delicious food made by Beacrox can make even the mightiest dragons run for it, I'm talking about Raon, Dodori, and Rasheel here.

Everyone took their places on the large picnic mat in front of the griller, everyone had their share of savory beef sandwiches the Beacrox and the other kids made. The juicy well-seasoned meat paired up well with the fresh tomatoes and crunchy lettuce was delectable.

Raon and Hong still got meat juices around their mouths, so as usual Cale wiped it off even if he knew they did it on purpose, the wolf children copied them too, but other adults wiped off the sauce instead. (Jack did it too but his sister wiped it off for him, oblivious to the fact that Jack liked the young master.)

Finishing up the delicious meal, everyone rested on the picnic mat or around it, sounds of grass moving and soft breathing was the only thing could be heard, however, Raon, already having enough sleep earlier, was bored.


Everyone looked at the youngest dragon, wondering what's he's up to.

"Can you sing for us?"

Cale choked on air as the others looked at him with anticipation, exited to hear the hero's divine voice.

"I-I don't th-"

"Please human?"

"Pretty please nya?"

Raon's sapphire eyes widened as he put on his best puppy face, Cale glared at Choi Han for a bit, thinking that he taught his children how to do the puppy face that he could never refuse. But he had to resist.

"My voice isn't really that good, I'm sure the others wouldn't want to-"


Jack yelled making the group freeze a bit, but agreeing with him, Tasha had a recording device ready as she called her nephew who was in the middle of a meeting with other nobles. Raon did the same as well and contacted the rest of their comrades, even Clopeh.

"I don't even know what to sing right now so-"

Cale is really getting annoyed on being cut off.

"Then you can sing one of the songs that you sang for us to sleep! nya!" On, speaking up to make her father sing for them.

Cale sighed, thinking whether he should just faint then and there, enduring the scolding in the future, but those sparkling eyes, heck even Beacrox looked with anticipation, he sighed once more and started humming, the entire group brightened along with the people watching through the communication device.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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