Chapter 14 - Put your fucking hands up

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A/N: One hundy percent jinxed myself last A/N. I've been stuck on back to back shifts, waking at 4:30AM and coming home at 9PM. And I have one day off every week for five weeks: Now on week three. Here's a long chapter I spent the day trying to smash out with a bottle of gin. On the plus side, I've started fostering animals.  

Meet Camille in pic below. 



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The church pews filled quickly. It was reasonably expected that there'd be such a large turnout when word got around quickly in these parts, but what I didn't expect was to see Josh sitting four rows ahead of me on the same far right, closest to the centre isle. Beside him was Pastor Cordell, Pastor Michael, his wife and family, and the guest preacher. The front row was reserved for those going on stage who had something important to contribute to the worship or sermon. Why was Josh sitting there?

As far as Liam and the guys went, I'd been outmatched. There was no going head-to-head with Charlie Rascal and hoping to come out unscathed. The positive side to all of this was, they had their fun in teasing me, then the conversation changed, and nobody brought it up again. As for Josh, the way he turned his head back and scanned the crowds as he appeared to look for somebody; then whose eyes hardened, and smile widened as they stopped and set on me... I somehow didn't think it'd be that easy with him.

Now was definitely the time for him to make good on his promise. But what would he do? Why was he sitting there with the most influential men within our church? My phone buzzed and mum's name flashed on the screen, and I became so tense that even just swallowing felt like lead. My hands trembled relentlessly while I opened the message. My stomach twisted as I read her message: u better get home right now or else. Pray God doesn't cast u to the depths of hell. God save ur soul.

My heart sunk. Josh had gone ahead and told her. I didn't know if she knew I was at church right now, but I got the feeling that as long as I went to see Liam Petry against her wishes, that this wouldn't be enough to save my soul. Liam leaned towards me and my senses heightened as his arm pressed against mine. He looked at me with concern before his eyes flicked down to my phone. I covered the screen quickly and buried it between my legs.

"I'm Pastor Cordell," this faint voice was drearily quiet beyond the drumming in my ears. "For those who don't know me yet, I'm the new youth leader. I'll be running these youth groups and all events with the help of my right-hand man. God spoke to me directly and made it very clear that he is anointed by the Holy Spirit with the gift of pioneering and Evangelism. Please welcome this holy and righteous new leader, Josh Caster!"

I wasn't aware of my surroundings until I heard Josh's name through the speakers. I was so overwhelmed with fear and anxiety that I hadn't even noticed the music end and the lights switch back on. There at the front of the nave stood Josh beside Pastor Cordell with a microphone piece attached to his shirt. He looked like a natural born leader at first glance, dressed and behaving like a godly man. I was envious of him as he stood there.

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