The Devil All The Time

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A/N: Spoiler warning! This chapter will be discussing major events that occur within the movie 'The Devil All The Time.'

Also, before we get started, please keep in mind the graphic and triggering nature of this film! This chapter will reference suicide, murder, statutory rape (insinuated), and war. Please do not watch the linked videos or read this chapter if any of those topics are at all triggering to you. The next reaction will be more light hearted to hopefully balance it all out. Have a good day and stay safe! ❤️

The first universe we're gonna be looking at is the Devil All the Time. From my Earth, it features Tom Holland and Sebastian Stan, or as you all know them, Peter Parker and Bucky Barnes. Let's start off by viewing the trailer.

Emma: Happy birthday, Arvin!

Arvin is surrounded by his family. His adoptive sister, Lenora, hugs him and kisses him on the cheek.

"Aww, look it's you kid!" Tony grinned at the sight.

Earskell: Well... this was your daddy's.

Earskell hands Arvin his gift. Arvin unwraps it to reveal a Luger pistol.

There were a few gasps heard throughout the theater. Bucky and Steve were unfazed though. It wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence for a teen to get a gun as a gift while the two were growing up.

Earskell: Brought back from the war.

Arvin's father, Willard, is shown walking up to and staring at a dead body that's hung to a cross.

"Ugh, that's disgusting! Who would do something like that?!" Peter scrunched up his face at the sight.

"Nazis" Bucky, void of emotions.

Steve just nodded and put his head down.

Earskell: I figured it was time to pass it on.

Arvin looks up and sniffs before putting it away with tears in his eyes.

"I guess that's kind of sweet." Wanda commented.

Arvin: That's the best present I ever got, thank you.

Tony barked out a laugh. "Ha! Kid your accent!"

"Mr. Stark, You know that's not really me, right?" Peter replied.

"Of course! It's still an odd accent though."

"I'm sure it's perfectly normal for wherever this Arvin guy is from." Natasha noted.

Arvin leans forward and blows out the candle that's sticking out of the cake.

Narrator: How and why people from two points on a map without even a straight line between them can be connected is at the heart of our story in Knockemstiff.

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