Jojo Rabbit

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A/N: Just wanted to start off by apologizing for being late again. I was gonna upload on the 7th, but I got a call from work as I was finishing up this chapter. Basically, one of my coworkers got Covid and since I work as a caregiver, there's a crap ton of protocols I had to read up on and prepare for, so that's why I initially was unable to get a chapter up that night.

Then, the next morning, I got my new schedule for the next few weeks or until everyone I work with has tested negative twice. Guess who's back to working 60+ hour weeks?! I've never been so physically and mentally drained than I have been since I've begun these 12+ hour shifts.

Honestly, these last couple of weeks have royally sucked and I haven't had any time to write like I'd been hoping.  I really jinxed myself by promising to upload every Monday, huh?

Luckily, I've managed to avoid getting Covid and my family and I are all safe. Unfortunately, 2 of the ladies I care for do have it, along with 1 of my coworkers. It's gonna take a bit of time before I'm uploading weekly like I want too. I just ask that everyone bears with me while this is all going on.

I'll upload as often as I can, but I prefer quality over quantity and I hate feeling rushed. I sincerely do apologize for how late this chapter is though. I feel like an absolute jag-off for breaking my promise. I'll do my best to be better in the future!

That being said...
Spoiler Warning! This chapter will reveal major plot points to the movie 'Jojo Rabbit', so if you have not yet seen it and plan on doing so, you may wanna hold off on reading this.

Okay people, first up is the trailer created on my Earth. Jojo is a young German boy in the Hitler Youth whose hero and imaginary friend is the country's dictator. He is shocked to discover that his mother, Rosie, is hiding a Jewish girl in their home. Rosie is played by Scarlette Johansson, or as you all know her, Natasha Romanoff.

"Wait, so in this universe, my child is a Nazi?" Natasha looked overwhelmed. It's a very unusual sight for the rest of the heroes. Steve glances over at her worriedly.


"Oh, how lovely." Tony sarcastically comments.

Steve ignores Tony and tries reassuring Nat, "I'm sure he's still a great kid, Nat. Hitler Youth was mandatory for all children under Hitler's rule. Plus, if Rosie is risking her life to help a Jew during WWII, I'm sure at least a little of her kindness and bravery rubbed off on her son."

Natasha smiles at Steve and says, "You're right. And if he's still young enough to have an imaginary friend, how much of a Nazi can he really be?"

"Exactly," He replied.

Trailer opens with Jojo getting dressed in his Hitler Youth uniform.

Rosie: Field Marshall Jojo, you're our top man. Prepare to leave the house.

Rosie winks and clicks her tongue.

"He's perfect." Nat stared at the screen in aw after getting a first glimpse at her child from another universe.

"Minus the whole, 'Hitler is my hero' thing, I'm sure he's a great kid." Clint said, earning a snort from Bucky and a glare from Natasha.

Kate slapped Clint's arm and scolded him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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