The Man with the sharingan

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" She tried to kill her own flesh and blood." Gai watched in horror.

" TEME!!!" Naruto was pissed, extremely angry the girl that nearly got killed was his.

" She's insane." Chouji jaw dropped.

" Seems like she was expecting someone else." Shikamaru remarks from the way the woman stops and mentions another person.

Behind both daughter and mother duo, the door opens revealing the three people who accompanied Megami. " So you're here! "

" Megami, what the hell are you thinking ? " A confused Cho-cho looks inside, seeing a stranger. " Really leaving us behind like that." Sarada felt offended by Megami's actions. " Long time no see, Teme." The Nanadaime happily greeted the raven-haired female with bangs hidden by her left eyed woman wearing a dark cloak.

' Why does Teme actually look pretty? Nah, no way what am I thinking." Naruto blushed red at the sight of the women.

' Lucky bastard.' Jiraiya and kiba thought in unison.

" Megami, what the hell are you thinking? " A confused Sarada looks inside, seeing a stranger as cho-cho walks alongside. " Long time no see, Teme. "

" Naruto, what is all of this? Why did you bring children here!? " Sasuke demanded an answer from the older man. The blond looked confused. " Uh, why do you ask...? "

" We came to see Kaa-san. " The woman's attention returns to her daughter with her stoic expression. The girl began to sweat profusely. " I found out that Otou-san would be meeting so I tagged along because I wanted to see you again. "

" Why is it important?" Sasuke questions. " Why? Because you haven't been there for us at all!! It's like you disappear and left the face of the planet for 8 years. Do you really find it okay to forget your own child's face? " Megami rant to her mother in frustration whilst Sasuke looked unfazed by the complaint.

" Bastard of a Teme she really left for 8 years, worst of all you forgot our daughter's face." Naruto shouts in anger, his eyes went red.

" She's just left recently." Kiba.

' Sasuke left her children for eight years. ' Ino and Sakura thought in disbelief.

" Do you know how hard it has been for us? Wondering when our kaa-san will return like you promised years ago.

The only kid you haven't abandoned has also been gone for years. Do you even care about the rest of us? What actually have you done during all this time? " The girl gave the woman a power glare after her lengthy rant. " This has nothing to do with you." Sasuke coldly responds After Sasuke replied, her daughter's facial expression disheartened and ran off. Sasuke's attention go back toward Naruto who prepare to speaks.

" What's more important? " Kakashi wondered.

" I tell you as your Husband and not as the Hokage, don't you think you should at least tell them? " A serious side from her once cheerful husband came out, Sasuke deep in his thoughts reminisces about what led to this.

Picking up her cloak, her eyes view Konohagakure through a window of the hokage tower with the blond Nanadaime hokage by her side. " Are you leaving already? "

" I will send word if I find anything. " The Oldest Uchiha spoke back, still staring at Konoha. " It wouldn't hurt to stop by at our house, wouldn't it? " Naruto walked beside her. " We can't afford to ignore any trace of it. " view Konoha soberly. " Peace is secure through huge sacrifice, after all. This is a journey of atonement for me, as well. "

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