The birth of Naruto

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" Calm down, dobe." Mirai Sauke softly said. " Breath in and out." Mirai naruo followed Sasuke's instructions, inhaling and exhaling as he slowly calmed down. " Arigato, Sasuke." The younger version of themself holds down their vomit.

" The death of sannin by their own student." Mina notes.

" The legendary sannin aren't invincible afterall."

" Naruto, are you okay?" Jiraiya asked the smaller version who was busy tearing up. " Don't die ero-sensei."

" Suck to be you, Jiraiya-chan." Orochimaru crackles.

" Shut your trap snake!" Tsunade exclaimed.

" Seeing the trend I presume you'll be next, Tsunade. You'll finally get the chance to reunite with your lover and brother." Orochimaru ended up opening a large wound. Tsunade focused her chakra into her fist then launched it at the snake sannin. The slug sannin fist was intercepted by Mirai Naruto. " Even though Orochimaru said was wrong. I promise Mina to prevent potential violence, and Uzumaki Naruto doesn't go back on his word, Dattebayo."

" Did Naruto just stop that punch?" Jiraiya was flabbergasted due to that same punch was one of the few instances he nearly got killed. A majority of people in the room who knew Tsunade were stunned by Mirai Naruto's speed and ability to block and survive an angry Tsunade fist. " Impossible?"

" I'm extremely strong!?!" Kid Naruto declared once witnessing his Mirai counterpart casually block one of Tsunade chakra infused punches.

" It shouldn't be a surprise since we already saw adult Naruto in action. Seeing it up close is a different experience." Sakura remarks.

' Naruto has the power to rival the sannin without using the kyuubi. What form of training did he put himself through?' Kakashi though.

" Tch, fine." Tsunade pulls back her fist. " The next time that snake tries anything, I'll make sure to finish him off before the Uchiha does." Mirai Naruto sighs. " Orochimaru don't attempt to start up a fight or else you'll deal with me." Naruto threatens the sannin.

" Arigato, Naruto." Mina thanked the Jinchuriki of the kyuubi.

" Tsuna-chan sure got stronger." Hashirama sweated a bit. He sense the chakra potency of the punch combine with her chakra control.

" Of course Tsunade-hime was declared as one of the sannin which are all candidates for hokage." Hiruzen mentioned.

" Surprised that brat got this far." Tobirama remarks.

" Really?" Hashirama jumped in excitement. " Wait how many hokages are present. Is the village still in shape?"

" Well I'm the sandaime hokage and Minato here." Hiruzen moved the Nidaime and Shodaime hokage's attention towards Minato. " His the yondaime, but unfortunately ended up dying for the village's sake."

" Who's godaime hokage?" Tobirama asked calmly.

" The shodaime hokage granddaughter, Tsunade." Orochimaru revealed.

" T-Tsuna-chan is the village all right." The shodaime got into his depressed state, Minato watched on. " Er..Are you worried?"

" What's wrong with Tsunade-sama?" Iruka wondered.

" I really spoiled her, since she was my first granddaughter!! She even learned gambling from me, that was just-" Hashirama burst into laughter. A majority of the audience sweat drops.

" That's where she got her gambling from!" Jiraiya notes.

" Ojii-san." Tsunade was embarrassed.

" The first is unique?" Shisui chided in.

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