Chapter 10 ~ Half truth

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Ashlynn's POV-

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT" I guess you know who said that. Yup Jeremy started yelling.

" stupid father agreed for a dinner, we got kidnapped and I helped us escape" I say casually while tossing him a first-aid kit so he could clean up his sisters wounds.

What? She should be in perfect health before I torture her. Like properly torture her.

"How-...... wha- ......whe- " Alfie stuttered. Viola smirked whil Ace and Felix were giving them a deadly glare. Almost as deadly as mine. Almost.

I rolled my eyes, for probably the billionth time in this past week.

Ace grabbed my arm gently and started cleaning my wound which was bleeding where a bullet greezed my arm.

Even though he won't ever admit it, I'm damn sure if he wasn't a Mafia boss, he'd be a doctor.

"How do you know how to use a gun- Fuck - Why did you even have a gun and a knife on you" Jeremy inquired in an accusing tone. UH. Did nobody ever teach them to not be rude to people who just saved their lives. Dumbass.

I decided to ignore him and talk to my brothers who I'm seeing after week's.

"So are you guys staying?" I asked them hopefully.

"Yup. We're staying at the saf- " Ace started to reply excitedly but Lix cut him off.

"With Viola. We're staying with Viola." He added quickly while tilting his head to the biologicals and glaring at Ace.

Ace nodded and mouthed a quick sorry. I handed the pendrive over to Vi and cleaned myself and my clothes as much as I could.

Rest of the ride went silent, except for some bickering between Ace and Felix. And they call ME the baby of the group. *Sighs dramatically*.

When we finally reached the Dobrev mansion, I hugged Ace ,Felix and Viola and they hugged me back because all the blood on my clothes was now either cleaned or dried off so their clothes wouldn't get stained. Little fuckers.

"Hey, come by later. We need to discuss some things" Ace told me. I nodded. According to how he was stressing on the word 'things' , it was probably something Mafia related.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Jeremy shocked that I actually hugged somebody and was showing emotions other that glaring .

I could see the jealousy and sadness in Alfie's eyes. Well it's not my fault he decided to be a dick to me for no reason .

"Oh one more thing," I added before they drove off. "You better have bought my baby along. If not, you can plan your funerals." I threatened while narrowing my eyes at them.

I could see Jeremy's and Alfie's eyes visibly widen like a bunch of footballs. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a freaking child. I'm talking about Rio. My little baby dog. My little baby Ro. (check the characters chapter if you don't remember.) But if you call him a dog, you die.

Also, ok he might not be that little and scare the shit outta most people, but he'll always be my little baby boy.

"He's with Nana. We know what you would have done to us if we didn't bring him along." Felix replied, putting a hand on his hurt and shaking his head sadly in mock hurt.

Dramatic little fucker.

Oh and Nana is our housekeeper. She is in her 40s and is widowed. She doesn't have any kids so we just let her stay at the house. Besides, she's a really sweet lady and knows how to cook, and not to mention she makes awesome coffee!

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