Chapter 12 Sure

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Ashlynn's POV-

It was about 2 in the morning when I finally came back to the Dobrev mansion. I parked my bike in the garrage and headed towards my room to sleep.

Upon reaching my room, I took a quick hot shower and headed into the kitchen to get some coffee.

What? Yes I'm addicted to coffee. Well on the bright side, there are worse things I could be addicted to.

I walk into the kitchen and turn on the lights to make the drink. Yes I might suck at cooking but I can make coffee just fine.

I was waiting for the water to boil, when I heard footsteps behind me. My hand instinctively reached for the knife in my sleeve and when the person was standing right behind me, I threw the knife in their direction, intentionally missing the ear by half an inch.

I turned around to see a very wide-eyed Alfie frozen in his tracks.
Oh well, shouldn't have snuck up on me bitch.

"How- how did you just do that- woah-" He exhaled.

I didn't bother answering him and turned my attention towards my phone like I did not just almost kill him.

"Can we talk?" He asked in a low hopeful voice. Don't have hope kids. Don't have hope.

I just raised an eyebrow at him, not giving him the satisfaction of a verbal response.

He sighed and took a seat at the barstool and started "I'm sorry" guiltily.

I rolled my eyes, not even looking up from my phone.

"I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry about everything- I should have believed you and- god I shouldn't have been such an asshole- I'm just- I'm so sorry" He apologized. Man these people have too many emotions.

I ignored him and continued typing away on my phone.

"Goddamnit say something Ash. C'mon at least give a chance. Why won't you?" He spoke desperately.

He almost looked like a toxic psychotically obsessed ex lover or something.

Yeah I really should stop making these kinda jokes in serious situations.

"Because I am a heartless brat. But then again, I thought that was already clear." I replied casually while shrugging my shoulders, repeating his words he used earlier.

I saw utter guilt and sadness flash in his eyes. Good. He should suffer. All of them should.

"Look I'll do anything- "

"Look can you like stop whining, I already have a headache. Thankyou." I cut him off in an irritated voice.

Now he looked concerned. Oh great. More emotions. The only thing I'm not good at. Except for cooking ofcourse. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

"What's wrong Ash? c'mon you can tell me , we're family." He asked, now in a concerned brotherly voice. I scoffed at that.

"First of all, it's Ashlynn. Second, I have a family alright. You're just some people I share a DNA with." I stated.

If he didn't look enough broken before, he did now. But quickly, it changed to a look of disbelief and disgust.

"What family? The three friends you have? Well news flash, they probably just wanna get in your pants. We're your family. Always were and always will be. There's no denying that." He stated as if I'll listen to him.

I swear the AUDACITY this mother fucking bitch has-

Before I knew it, My dagger was flying straight for his face. He ducked at the last moment with a horrified expression. I don't care what these people say about me, but If they dare say something about my family-

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