Chapter 20 Aunts, Unlces and Cousins

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Ashlynn's POV-

It's been a little more than two weeks since I bought Chris to our house. He's been recovering fast and has been able to walk on his own for a few days now.

Alexander and Lucian have been calling and texting non stop and I might have gotten a little too irritated and may or may not have blocked them. Hehe......

But as much as I hate it, I have to go back to get my stuff. No, not clothes and shit, I can buy new ones. But I need my laptop and a few pendrives. They contain important information about the Mafia and my plans. Even though all of them are highly secured and encrypted, I still need them back.

And guess when I'm going? Today.

Yeah so excited . *rolls eyes*

So I take a long ass shower, put on some leather pants along with a black-grey T-shirt and top it off with a leather jacket as usual.

I head down to breakfast and take the empty seat between Ace and Viola. After eating some cereal and having like two cups of coffee, not to mention the huge lecture Chris gave on how kids my age shouldn't have so much coffee, and me responding with how they also aren't badass billionaires, I finally finish my food and head to my room to get the keys to my motorcycle.

I head downstairs and find everyone in the livingroom.

"Where are you going?" Felix asked from the couch, where all the four of them were scattered around the room and watching a movie.

"I'm gonna go grab some stuff from the Dobrev Mansion. I'll be back till four." I respond, fixing my Rolex watch and glancing at the T.V.

"Are you watching Harry Potter without me? Uh. I feel so betrayed and hurt right now. I feel wounded. You guys wound me." I gasped and put a hand over my heart dramatically.

"Well then put on a bandage. Don't want you to bleed out on the carpet." Ace said smugly, obviously failing to hide his laughter.

I sent a harsh glare towards him and he put his hands up in the air in surrender. "No but like seriously, blood stains are the worst to get out" He replied smartly.

I smirked and picked up a knife while pointing it right at him. "Let's test the theory shall we?" I replied in the same tone.

Ace gave me an innocent smile with a sheepish expression.

"Alright Alright kids. No fighting in this household." Chris sighed and rolled his eyes from his spot on the couch.

Everyone, including me cracked at that. Even Christopher face palmed and laughed when he realized what he said.

I love how all of them are getting along together just fine though.

I shook my head, still a huge grin on my face and shoved the knife into my boot.

"How you even walk with like 20 knives in your shoes, I will never understand" Viola shook her head from where she was sitting on the floor with Rio.

"What can I say? I'm multi-talented. " I shrugged and patted Rio, who came running towards me a minute ago.

"Sure" she replied sarcastically.

"Well Roro agrees with me." I grinned at her and she cooed at Rio, who was now clinging onto my leg.

"Well I'll see you guys in a few." And headed outside.

I sped towards the mansion and parked in the gateway. There were a lot of expensive cars and vehicles parked and that confused me.


It's been about two weeks since my little princess went away with that man. She claimed him to be his father while pointing a gun at her real one. That was honestly the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced.

The Death SquadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora