Dumped (4)

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PHOTO OF MATTHEW ------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>



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I groaned. It was later on that day and I was going through my voicemail on my blackberry.


“Hey Dee, It’s Matt. I’m probably the last person in the world you wanna talk to right now but I promise not to bother you after this. You remember that grey t-shirt you borrowed from me after the thanksgiving dinner at Sheila’s when you spilt sauce on yourself? Well, I thought I took it back. Turns out I didn’t. Can you post  it to me or something. It’s my favourite.”

“Jerk. He abandons me on our wedding day and then calls for a t-shirt! Well, I burned all of his stuff, so he’d better start looking for a new favourite t-shirt. It wasn’t even that nice! Ugh!” I muttered to myself.

“Deana, this is your mother. You can be such a drama queen! (giggle) Well, I’m just calling to check that you’re feeling much better. You had better be. I won’t tolerate any more outbursts, dear. Ta, for now!”


I groaned. Jeez! That woman is something else.

“Dee, mum called me and said you’re in a bad state. Do you need me to come stay with you for a while? Living with Fran is proving to be more of a job than just living. You know she makes me do the dishes? The dishwasher is only ten steps away from the sink. I just don’t get it. Anyway, call me back. Rosie.”

My sister, Rosie has been moving back and forth between my parents’ house, my apartment and Frannie and Dave’s. Let’s just say, she isn’t the best roommate. I could understand why Fran was making her do chores. Since she’s the youngest, everything’s always been done for her so, she just lounges around waiting to be served. And even though, she graduated from college two years ago, she still had no source of income, so she depends on all five of us.

“Deana, it’s your sister. Fran, not Rosie. I know you might be in a horrible place right now but, I need your help. Rosie’s getting on my last nerve. I think I might murder her. Just grab the carving knife and chop her f****ng head off! Uh-oh! No, Willow, don’t say that word! No! Mummy’s sorry she said a bad word. Willow Alexandra Jones! You come  - ”

She was cut off by the beep. I couldn’t help chuckling. Dave would throw a fit if he heard his daughter swear. Fran and Dave have been married for ten years and Willow’s their only kid. Fran got pregnant two years ago, but unfortunately, she miscarried. At least it brought them even closer. They’re honestly the picture of a model family – murder threats, aside.

“Hey Deana, sorry about that. I’ve given her a time-out. Honestly, I think Rosie might be rubbing off on her. Please take her off my hands, Dee, I don’t think I could survive another day with her. Rosie, I mean. Not Willow. Although, I’m kinda warming up to the thought of you taking Willow away. Anyway, my point is, I’m kicking her out tonight. If you love her, come pick her up. Love you. Frannie.”

So not happening. The last time Rosie stayed with me, she’s set the apartment on fire. I'd had to go and live with my parents for a month and a half, while my place was re-done. Rosie just moved into Fran's basement. I didn't want to impose. So, instead I moved in with my parents'. My parents! Never-ending talks about the country club and golf! Those were the worst six weeks of my life.

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