Dumped (7)

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(PHOTO OF ROSIE ---------------------------------->>>>>>>)







“Hey Rosie”, I said, with a forced smile.

She grinned and gave me a warm hug. She seemed really excited, I didn’t have the heart to scold her for coming.

Brad cleared his throat, next to me.

“Um . . oh yeah. Brad, this is my sister Rosie, Rosie, this is Brad, my boss.”

She tilted her said and said, looking at him, “You look familiar. Who exactly are you?” Rosie had read at least a hundred copies of GQ or Vogue, which had Brad and Jeremy in it, but knowing her, she’d probably just looked at the clothes and shoes.

“I’ll be whoever you want me to be”, he replied, taking her hand.

I groaned. This was definitely not gonna end well. For anyone. They were flirting so much, I felt odd just standing there, looking back and forth between them. I excused myself – not that they’d noticed – and went outside. I sat on a bench and just shut my eyes, trying to enjoy the cool night breeze, coming in through the windows.

I heard some ruckus at the front and turned. My mouth dropped. Matthew was standing there, asking the guards to let him through to the front doors.

“Yeah, there she is. Deana!” he called.

I was going to just walk away and pretend like I hadn’t heard him, but there was no point, he’d already seen me look right at him. I walked down the steps and told the guards to let go of him.

“Matt. What do you want?” I asked, curtly.

“Hey Dee. You didn’t reply my messages so, when I heard you were having this event, I thought I’d come meet you”, he replied.

“Seriously? You came all this way for a t-shirt?”

“Um . . not just the t-shirt. I left quite a few things at your place. My signed letterman jacket, shoes and some other stuff. I could make you a list or something and – ”

“There’s no point. I burnt all of your stuff”, I cut in, shrugging.

“You did WHAT?” he yelled.

“I was trying to get rid of every reminder of you. Doesn’t seemed to have worked though”, I replied.

“SO YOU COULDN’T POST IT???”, he was screaming now.

“Matt, hush! This is a very important event!” I whispered, as the guards glared at us.


“Fine”, I said and started to walk away.

He grabbed my arm tight, pulling me back. His fingernails were digging into my arm and I winced in pain. “Matt, you’re – ”

The next thing I knew, he was keeled over on the floor, holding his hands on his face, blood running through his fingers.

I turned around to see Jeremy Harrington standing there, unrolling a fist and stretching his fingers. My mouth dropped open. My jerk of a boss had just punched out my ass of an ex. Maybe he wasn’t a jerk, after all.

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