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"Just help me run away from everyone, I need a place to stay where I can cover up my face"

-Surf Curse


       It was nice and quiet in my room at Wayne manor. The moon shown through my curtained windows reflecting slightly on the marble floors. The wind flowed through the light brown curtains. My bedding wrapped around my body as I rested peacefully. Today was a good night.

Bruce had decided to let my brother and I stay home tonight after training instead of doing patrol and he went out by himself. He would be home in a couple hours which I was unaware of due to the fact I was asleep, but not for long.

The sound of queens 'dont stop me now' started to fill my room. First quiet but the sound growing louder and louder as time went on.

I groaned and shifted awake reaching over to my bedside table grabbing my phone. Not needing to check the caller id to know who it was.

"Hey..." I greeted still half asleep. "What time is it?" I questioned, not bothering to open my eyes and check myself.

"2:34 for me 3:34 for you." I heard my favorite speedster tell me. I heard a small crack in his voice and some arguing in the back which was inaudible.

"Hey...do you think i could come over?" Wally asked. "I know it's late but I cant sleep.."

"Mhmm" I told him opening my eyes and sitting up. I walked over to my walk in closet grabbing some black leggings and a blue hoodie with my schools logo on it.

"Just lemme know which Zeta you'll be at" I heard a small creak and muffled movement. "Are you going out your window?" I asked as I changed quickly and slipped on some shoes.

"Yeah" Wally told me "I left a note...wait did I wake you up?" He questioned concerned.

"You did. Don't worry though, teddy will want to go for a walk anyways." I answered, looking to my large chocolate brown Great Dane who was already watching me with excitement. I tilted my head gesturing to the door.

The dog got up with excitement and I looked at my golden retriever puppy and sighed.

"What?" My redheaded friend asked.

"Cricket" I stated. The smaller dog finally got up following the larger.

I opened the door and they both went downstairs to the front door. I prayed Alfred was sleep as I followed them and put their leashes on, quietly unlocking and opening the door.

"Going somewhere" A British accent asked me.

"Oooo..." Wallys voice commentated through the phone. I put in an earpiece so Wally could listen and put the phone in my pocket.

"...i feel like a lie won't fool you"

"It will not" Alfred informed and I nodded.

"Wallys parents are arguing...he asked to come here and I said yes" I said honestly and the old man smiled.

"I'll prepare some hot coco and snacks" I smiled and heard a tiny 'yesss' from Wally.

"Thanks Alf" I said before walking out with the dogs.

Starting to shiver as I walked down the streets of Gotham that never seemed to quiet down. I got stared at by odd old men and comments every once in a while, making my dogs bark at them.

Hearing them occasionally earned comments from Wally saying how stupid they were or something to that effect. I kept walking ignoring the men, the moons bright light was slowly starting to be covered by clouds.

𝑾𝒆 𝑾𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒏 ♡𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑾𝒆𝒔𝒕♡Where stories live. Discover now