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"beautiful beautiful beautiful, beautiful boy"

-John Lennon


        Everything had to be perfect. I was a bit of a perfectionist, so sue me. I don't care, it's worth it for my brother.

"Fourteen" Maddie sighed as she helped me walk out a pool table, "I remember when we met and he was only nine, so small, so innocent, so petite"

"You're gonna make poor Rory cry" Jackson stated, placing down the multicoloured balls, "she's not ready for young Dick to be grown up"

Lucy jogged into the party room, slightly out of breath, she was the last of their friend group to arrive "sorry. Alfred and my mom are talking right now. I finally escaped though"

I nodded with a smile, "don't worry about it. Why don't you help Luke with the snacks? He's in the kitchen"

"Yes ma'am" Lucy did a mock salute before running out.

I looked around the room, everything was prepared and people would be arriving soon. Multiple game tables, activities, and more filled the room. I was deep in thought making a mental check list as my phone ran, interrupting me.

"Sorry, be right back" I told the group before walking into the hall and picking up the call.

"Hey you" I greeted,

"Hello to you too" Wally replied, "he's about to leave the cave. I can stall if you'd like but-"

"No, we're ready don't worry. Sorry you can't come again"

"It's ok beautiful, honestly. We'll just have to celebrate privately with him."

"Ok" I said thankfully, "I should probably go and get everything ready then. Thank you!"

We said our quick goodbyes before I hung up and returned to the group.

"He'll be here soon" I told everyone, who nodded.

Everything was ready, there was no more we could do. I was just happy to have my friends to help, I could only hope it wouldn't be too chaotic when everyone showed up.

~ ~ ~

Look, I didn't want to stick around for the big party  aspect. Don't get me wrong I love parties, but I wanted Dick to be able to enjoy his time without his big sister hovering over his shoulder 24/7.

I hung out with most of my friends while the party went on. Just Maddie, Lucy, and I. Luke and Jackson had managed to find some of their other friends.

"He's not coming" I thought, looking at the clock. Bruce was yet to show up and I was convinced he wouldn't for the duration of the party.

"He'll show, don't worry" Mads affirmed, "he's gotta"

"Miss Lorelei"

I turned around to see Alfred standing in the doorway, holding many pizza boxes, the three of us rushed over to help him carry them to the table.

"You bought pizza?" I questioned, setting down a few.

Alfred smiled slightly, "your brother said the same thing you know"

Lucy pretended to pout, "aw no fancy Alfred food"

"I do apologize for the lack of 'fancy Alfred food' miss Jin. Perhaps you and your mother could come over for a dinner one day, I'd love to talk more with her about recipes"

As Lucy and Alfred got into a deep discussion about Mrs Jins famous soup, Maddie and I sorted the pizza by type.

"Told you" Mads said in a sing song voice, I looked up at the doorway to see Bruce entering in a suit.

"You came!" I cheered, "does Dick know?"

"I just spoke to him" Bruce smiled which I returned myself, "I wouldn't miss it"

"What about work?" I questioned, referring to a mission he had told me about earlier.

"Dealt with, and not for you to worry about"

"Actually, if I'm gonna take over one day it kinda is" I thought out-loud.

"Rory gets to take over Wayne Enterprises?" Maddie asked to which my adoptive father nodded.

"That and much more"

I tried to take his words with a grain of salt but I couldn't help but think about it. Did he mean the League?

I looked up to see him already watching me as I thought but his expression didn't give anything away.

No, he couldn't...could he?

~ ~ ~

A/N: ok, super short chapter but I just wanted to cover Dicks birthday, I really had no intent to have something big happen or  anything so y'all with just have to make due with this.

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